Horrible Disconnect Issues in Katalund?


it has been fixed, just not very well apparently. for katalund specifically I think it’s because something different is happening than what the previous “fix” was trying to correct. the cause of the dc bug had to do with players movement speed apparently being different than what it was “supposed” to be because of PlaceMap turning the ground into something that changes your speed, resulting in a forced dc. it was especially bad during testing of the Glitch, because the “exposed code” hazard tile actually increases your speed. unlike the previous instances of this problem, all ground tiles in katalund allow movement at the same speed. my guess it has to do with the abrupt change in oxygen breathing status based on floor tiles that PlaceMap is using, and if that’s the case then this is a totally new thing since nothing like this has ever been done before.

no idea when it’ll get “fixed” again though.


IIRC the fix was for the Void some months ago, and it didn’t work quite well as during the Halls event i got dc’d while crossing the Pure Evil. Reminds me of the Davy Key bug, heh.

Through i noticed you can get dc’d if you stood on a tile, then moved from it as it’s turning into another tile (like Forax acid), i got disconnected from a changing tile even through i was like 3 tiles away from it. This also happens on Katalund and the intense changes on the map, even if i tried my best to stay in the middle of the air socket so i don’t get dc’d from either side, it still occurs even if i was away from the tile that changed.


I just thought of this right now:

@ anyone struggling with dc issues in katalund, try bringing a trickster instead of whatever else it is you’re using. stay away form the edges of the gas, and when you have to run through it to reach the other side use your prism to hop over the boundary instead of running through. that way the PlaceMap boundary can’t get you. no idea if it’ll work, and even if it does it’ll probably be tedious as hell, but at least you won’t dc.


Unfortunately for me, I am incredibly awful at playing trickster :cry:


I’m a Steam user who luckily has not had issues with disconnects in Katalund until recently (at the start of the Katalund portal events).

Anecdotally, I’m finding that the disconnects are more or less proportional to the amount of users in the map. With less users, I can stay in for a bit longer before disconnecting, but with more users, then I’ll disconnect quicker.

I don’t think anything has changed on my end, and it’s just likely that my Katalund runs have had a lot more people in them than previously, causing me to start d/cing.

I do wonder what causes some people to d/c almost instantly every time they enter Katalund, while for some people they can do the map fine. Maybe there is a constant? (and I don’t mean using Chrome, since so many people have had d/c issues using flash player/Steam/Firefox as suggested)


Yes for everyone the dcing started when the Katalund event started. I usually stay in for about 10 sec and then dc idk. Sometimes get instantly rekt.


I’m still getting Disconnected from katalund for whatever reason :confused:

both dungeon wormholes and key openings.


from the dung wormholes?


Well, they haven’t exactly fixed it yet?


that’s :joy: kinda :face_with_raised_eyebrow: low :unamused: quality :rage:, I :eye: have :sob: wasted 2 keys on this :confounded:, and it’s :bee:en two weeks, and it’s still :pensive: not fixed? :hammer:

there’s no excuse, this is honestly ridiculous and shouldn’t have happened in the first place.


blame deca


already did :sunglasses:


Well is not deca actually, blame devs


smh you’re derailing the thread :pensive:

but im guessing the devs aren’t gonna fix this until the end of Motmg :joy:

quality content


We need a post for quote a quote inside another quote.

Also, i dont think they will fix it, whats the point of that dung after motmg




I used to DC like crazy from katalunds when the portal event started. Then I got myself out of USS and everything was all fine <3.

(I’ve done a few katalunds in USS yesterday. No DCing at all. I think it’s more or less patched, or USS was having a better day in terms of stability)


Yeah I wanted to mention that I have never DCd out of a Katalund (or Forax) on my normal server EUW (using Flash Player), so really had no idea what people were complaining about, but on USW2 in the last couple of days where I went for some UFO farming, three Katalunds in a row I DCd from instantly on loading in, and two Foraxes when I was wading through the swamp as the ground changed.

Then similar to how @Lily describes, back to EU servers yesterday & today and every Katalund was fine.

So I’m trying to say that it might just be if you’re laggy for all the standard reasons, you are gonna get DC, with the ‘moving map’ graphic being evidently a kind of high intensity thing for the game to do, so stick to playing in your Best Server (or second best if Best is very busy), use wired internet connection, kick the relative/housemate/friend off who is using bandwidth, could help.


In other words, since my internet will never be adequate enough, then I can never do katalunds without dc’ing


:cry: Memory buildup in the game could be a factor too, so if you get a call to a wormholes realm might be worth close+restart before arriving, if you have a nice guildie who will wait on a portal for you.