How do i convince people that i wont scam when paying 3 life in for a tomb


tired of people constantly asking me to pay 1 or 2 out and i dont want to be scammed any tips?


They’re the one scamming.

I don’t get the logic of “i’m afraid of getting scammed if I open first.” If you scam them, all they have to do is activate all three bosses, make it a shitstorm, and get their life pots(if any) Either way, they ruin your tomb and its basically like opening a pub. If you get 0/3 after crashing the scammer’s tomb, well, that sucks, but you’re sure to get 1-3 people to nexus, as they’re all on non-ffa classes, like a warrior.

If they ask you to pay outside, just say no and leave that fucker. Pay outside people are ALWAYS scammers.


Eh I’ve been scammed opening tombs twice, and btw activating ruins it for both of you. In the end you still lose the key. I normally do 1 out 2 in, and don’t trust people just off of their stars.


You can contact me if you want tombs, I got a ton and I accept 3 life.


That’s the only part of your post that I disagree with; I’ve met a couple of people that weren’t scammers while selling me Tombs.


We have the same time zone ill pm you in 8 hours


Ooh me too I could use some tombs (all inside)


Alright. If we are going to talk about this anymore, I would recommend using pms.


I believe there’s literally no safe method for either side unless there’s a really well trusted middleman service somewhere but other than that it’s all risk. I personally refuse to deal with anyone that won’t go first and most of the time you’ll get called a scammer that way but hey at least I’m sure I won’t get scammed and unless you are actually gonna scam then why be scared of them threatening to report you when no transaction has happened yet. It’s only a scam if the other party doesn’t follow the talked out deal so unless that’s happened there’s literally no need to worry. There’s always the option of recording transactions although I believe you can’t retrieve what you paid but the scammers can be banned.


I’ve been scammed every single fucking time I open and trust people to pay inside. my experience is so shitty that I refuse to sell keys at all now. just dont think that all of us are scammers, some of us just want to get their moneys worth of shit


Really? Well, you’re having really bad luck. I would happily buy those keys and pay inside, because this may be some sob story(which happens EVERY SINGLE FUCKING TIME BEFORE I GET SCAMMED). Seeing as the only person reporting me as scammers are myself and @Edwiuhgkud (trolling), I think you can trust me.


im on pm me in game


sure, I’ll sell you some tombs. just pm me whenever im online and ill probably not be busy


Sorry, I had cross country practice. When do you think you’ll be on next?


tomorrow 3-4 pm pst ill be studying tonight


Alright cool, I’ll try and be on at 3


plu invite me to ur tombos plox


Just tell them that you can record the situation


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