How do i stop dying so freqeuntly?


Come on now play however much you want. Playing less is only going to kill you less because you’re playing less.

My best advice for not dying is always put life over Loot

One thing you will notice that more experienced players do is tap their keys and tap their keys a lot tiny taps


Did you forget fatigue?
Or maybe getting angry about your deaths so you play worse?


I would hope the person in question can decide when they need to get off


no i dont get angry, i just get sad and stop playing for a day then get back if i can make another character


That doesn’t change anything though. A character lasting 5 hours for 1 day is no different than a character lasting 5 hours over the course of 3 days.

@Lolwutusay I really recommend changing your class to either a ranged class or a knight. Also, just play less recklessly. It may just be me, but i notice i die less on unmaxed chars, and that’s because i’m playing the game safe and trying to take as little risk as possible. Know risk vs reward, its not a good idea to do Tombs Shatts or Halls before you have a good stock of pots/ another maxed char. The easiest way to get def from nothing, is farm on a wizard. Go into to godlands, kill gods and look for easy dungeons. After about 1 day you should have a good supply of pots, which you can sell for def. Good luck!


i wrote some tips here


just play wizard and stop putting yourself in bad situations. if you die too quickly to nexus the issue is you did something extremely stupid that you need to avoid in the first place.


well how can i avoid something i havent learnt yet? im always learning new ways to die and its quite hard to avoid them all, and why should i play wizard? id play it unmaxed for sprite worlds and glands but as a maxed character it takes a lot of att to max which could be used to buy life pots. and it isnt as good as rushing and soloing dungeons as a rogue can.


I lost classes which I loved and thought I’d never die with.
Then I try out a new event, a new dungeon, a new boss… and dead again.

I think you’re on the same case as me - lack of knowledge/information.
Whenever you die from something new, or potentially die from something new, check out the realmwiki or youtube video guides before taking it on.

I also changed from melee to mage classes and survived for a much longer time!
Good luck!




you can try to predict what will kill you but generally dying to something unexpected once isn’t bad. just try to play safe and not do things you don’t know 100% unless you are willing to die


Dying a lot is fine… As long as its your throw away char. Stock up on a Deca while you’re a maxed Rogue and rushing sewers; that way you vcan plunge right in in case your rogue dies.

One lesaon is of course, learning to nexus. You’re bound to die a couple of times in a dubgeon you haven’t played a lot. Just remember the days you died in the Toxic Sews.

Another is using throwaway in new dungeons, at least to learn the ins and outs at least.

Good luck!


I’m sorta having the same problem but with other classes.




thanks, however i cant really get a throwaway character since i only have one character slot. the rest is helpful though


As someone who doesn’t consider himself particularly good at the game, I’ve had a great time with Wizard. It has a powerful mix of long range and huge damage. I have a pretty high nexus threshold and don’t do as hard dungeons as some people, but in my experience I’ve never come close to dying and I’ve gotten more loot than I have on any other class, and it was very easy to 6/8 from scratch.


yeah wizard is quite useful. but i dont like him because my computer is shit, so i cant hit anything with spellbombs. if its anywhere near a perfect spellbomb all the shots will go straight through my target. so the spell is basically useless for me. and i usually solo dungeons, since i dont have any friends to play with. and soloing dungeons as a rogue is probably way faster than clearing all monsters as a wizard.


I’ve been playing a lot of Dsouls recently and what I’ve learnt is that the way to solve all the problems of dying is just to…

Git gud.


that doesnt help


Press the R button when your <15% HP.
