How do they scam? [Resolved]


yo u have such a weird profile pic pls change it, and I know that you’re jealous of D bow.
Anyways, just suush. As I said, its not about me, its about everyone if there’s such hacks. So its not closed


This was the #1 reason people were bamboozeled as to how they were called ‘hackers’ on the private forums I used to moderate.

Believe it or not there are a few people that used the hacked client that thought they were doing a damn good job of hiding the hacks they used, they removed all of the super noticeable ones and only had a few they wanted running that weren’t as traceable.

But the one I moderated for had a few built-in hacks as well, that I think were more of a result of it being separate from the legit one. Many of them wouldn’t be able to give you away unless you recorded yourself or took a screenshot, such as being able to see others inventories or their health and mana bars.

But one that gave it away every time were the people that traded without the intent to scam. If you don’t think about it, they selected their items and then instantly clicked trade. For someone that has to wait on a timer before they click that button it’s a huge giveaway.

I believe that’s what happened to you. You clicked everything and they did something shady then before you had time to realize they clicked accept as they didn’t have to wait for the cooldown.



Yeah, I’ll be careful next time. All the readers, be careful too :wink:

And also, its better to buy life with 8 pots so they can’t scam you (Just realised).


That is me XD


no no no, wait until you’ve rechecked what he’s actually offering before pressing “accept trade”, the scammer is going to press the accept button right after he’s finished deselecting everything regardless of whether or not you’ve already accepted.


how do u report scammers?


You send a message to Deca:

They probably won’t do anything without solid video evidence of multiple cases tho.


Zelectro did this to me, and I was very close to falling for it.

The next day, he comes on these forums asking how to report someone for calling him names :joy::joy::joy:


Deselect scam, triple check your offers.


For future reference, a good rule of thumb when Realmeye trading is to make sure the deal you’re getting is not “too good to be true”.

Another thing to watch out for is when you’re trading multiple items for a single item. That’s what scammers live off of.


This is just your fault. Pay more attention and learn from your mistake.


One Common thing they do is talk more than needed
I mean like:
"Hope you have a good day"
or things to MOVE your attention from the trade.


His scam is different .
Some how even though he presses the item you don’t get it when you trade.
I did a 7 def for 1 life trade with him and selected the life… yet i still did not get the life at the end of the trade.
And I knew that he selected his life


He deselected, in hacked clients you can instantly accept so a good scammer flawlessly times the amount of second it takes for a trade to be accepted.




witch hunt


I agree, burn the witch! BURN THE WITCH!


if you get scammed by a deselector you deserve it


The first time they don’t deserve it. However…

“Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.”

I’ve only ever gotten scammed once and never again since. Luckily I only lost 8 def, nothing special.

My method of scam prevention is being patient. After you are ready to accept the trade wait 3-5 more seconds to confirm that the person you are trading will not pull anything fishy, and if they do you will catch them in the act as they expect you to trade as fast as possible. (And most people to trade asap.)