How Hard is it to get the Archer Set? [Hearts per day for the knuckle-dragging apes who are to lazy to calculate it]


Alright, so we know that the Archer set needs the following to be obtained:
QoT Reskin: 80 Love Letters
Leaf Bow Reskin: 60 Love Letters
Csilk Reskin: 40 Love Letters
UBHP Reskin: 20 Love Letters
If we do the math that is a total of 200 Love Letters. I’ve been led to believe that it costs 5 hearts for one Love Letter. So we need 1000 hearts for a Love Letter.

We Have 15 days to get these, but if you have the bug it’ll be 14 days.
In 15 days you need to get around 67/day to just get the set.
In 14 days you need to get around 72/day to just get the set.

  • Too many!
  • Too little!
  • I couldn’t care less.
  • I can’t play the event.

0 voters

Happy Valentines Day, and Good Luck to everyone!

Source: @Pentaract on reddit



Does this bug include not being able to see the hearts? You can start collecting even without quests right?


Yes you can, but it would still be 72 a day, because you only have 14 days to turn stuff in.
at least I think so :thinking:


I’m pretty sure it is 10 hearts per love letter


Okay okay wait. So what is the difference between people with the bug and with out the bug that makes it so they need more hearts per day?


A. 5 per love letter otherwise it would literally be impossible. @Ibealive
B. So some people for unknown reasons can’t turn in their hearts yet, so they have one less day to turn in hearts. @Quadrocube
Edit: Image source: @Pentaract


But they can still collect the hearts, I don’t see why they even need the quests


Fine, you have a point, but I meant you need to turn in so-and-so amount to get the archer set.



Oh hang on I see now!

You can only get a certain amount of letters per day from the tink heart quests. So you do have less time if you get the bug

Edit: Reading over this again and I can’t believe how blind I was being


I had the bug. So by my calculations you can only get a maximum of 20x14 love letters per day, which is 380 or just think of it as 14 stacks. To get the full set is 10 total stacks leaving 4 for another qot or leaf bow and ub hp or just 4 ub hps. You need to get all of the quests per day completed which is 100 per day. Quite an unfeasible task for someone who has little time or patience to grind. Sure you can buy them, but it’s like 2 life per stack of 10 which is absurdly high for a poor man like me. Say, you get around 10-15 letters per day. That’s only like 50-70ish hearts which is not bad considered a lot of things drop hearts, just put in a little effort. 10 to 15 per day for 14 days is 140 to 210 love letters. 7-10ish stacks of love letters which is easily enough to get a few items. So in conclusion, I believe that the event is somewhat balanced, a bit questionable having an event white be a reward considering how easy it is to get it. Doesn’t seem to hard to get 2-3 parts of the set. Getting all of the set will be quite difficult.

TL:DR If you don’t have more than 2-3 hours per day to play, don’t bother trying to get the full set.


Thank you.


10 hearts for 2 love letters, do your math.


I gave up getting reskins right after seeing Love Letter costs
I would rather go farm QoT by myself.
also i have leaf bow
and Csilk and UBHP is easy to get


Why did you bump this?


He probably wasn’t aware of the date, mistakes occur.
But since he already bumped it, I might as well give my opinion on the event:

The Snowflakes Event was a reasonable one because it wasn’t a whole set, it was a weapon (or more weapons if you were grinding)
But this is just extremely grindy, tedious, and overall a waste of time in my eyes.


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