How have you impacted the game?


All of us play Realm of the Mad God (obviously we do, otherwise we wouldn’t be on the game’s forums right now :p), and maybe some of us have played this game long enough to have any sort of impact or influence on it.
By influence, I don’t just mean stuff that has directly affected the game’s development. I just mean anything that has affected another player, in or outside of the game. So, I want you all to ask yourself the following questions, then reply to this post with your answers.

How many people have you introduced to this game?
How many people have you inspired to keep playing this game?
How have you made the community a better or more interesting place, for you and for everybody else?

This might be easier to answer for some people compared with others. Players who have been a part of this game for a long time would most likely have made more differences than a brand new player, but I still want everyone to answer.

As for me, I have motivated a few of my good friends to keep playing this game, and a good amount of them are playing the game because of me! (I also make forums posts now and then, like this one right here ;o)

How have you impacted the forums?


I probably influenced the community a bit with my forum posts



One, Some guy named Iwlijump (went to school with him irl).

By stealing peoples loot and giving them marks instead of actual loot.


Then how about maybe later today you could go tell some of your friends about the game ^^


Well at least they got the marks that they needed to complete the quests! ;D
######Note to self: Don’t do any dungeons with Kageboshi


Probably a negative number.

see 1.

One person can’t really do much.


The replies to this post are making me feel a bit depressed about the game’s community ;o


have none


Then get some friends ;D


Hopefully I’ve inspired some people to realize that anyone can become successful in this game without having spent any money at all, although I don’t necessarily recommend it…



Three and a quarter? The quarter quit again a couple weeks later. Most of my IRL friends used to play realm, but moved on to LoL several years ago.

I don’t know about better or more interesting, but I’ve posted a lot on the forums in the past year which I hope helped some people out.

@ZquidX Yes, when I first started foruming and hadn’t spent any money on the game I thought that was very impressive!


1 or 2 don’t remember off the top of my head

1, still rarely plays >: (

I have little to no impact on the community. I’m just that one red star who tells everyone to play necro.


-1, i actually convinced some1 to quit


I think 5. None have stuck with it.

  1. My friend Seth introduced me to the game and always helped me out when I was a nub, he had a 7/8 knight and I was a lowly rogue and he inspired me to max my first 6/8. Pretty sure he quit a little while back but I’m still going strong. His ign was riperony fyi.

I never scam, I’m friendly to (almost) everyone on realm, I donate to nubs all the time, I answer any questions ppl have, I’ve never hacked, I’ve opened lots of duneons for groups, always been a good guildie to be around, and I call leechers fags.

I’m just a player, nothing too special.


Me but with ninja. LOL


Three people. One is an orange star, one has amazing luck (blue star) but is stupid (put a ass csword acrop oryx armor scutum expo on a 0/8 knight, died to lab, got all of thta back again in about a week +more items), and another doesn’t play.

Two. The orange star and the idiot.

How would you expect any RotMG player to respond to this (besides utubers)? They are singular people who happen to most likely just play the game how it is, and be happy/disappointed in it.


through selling T0 Shields, I have gotten 9 skins and several dozen allies


I don’t now if DECA already had this in mind, but I posted a rant about Nest Event being a mandatory thing to close realm, and DECA made it optional. :open_mouth:


I impacted the game by saying that I was giving out t6, rings, and people thought I was giving out t6 rings but I was giving out random t6 stuff and t1 rings.

When I called out lab, I wonder why nobody came? :confused::face_with_raised_eyebrow:


i was introduced to the game with my friend

maybe 5-10

only 1 out of those 5-10

idk i opened keys for guild sometimes and i gave pots out but i didnt do anything Xtreme