How many event whites did you get this event?




13 event whites within 6 days




Got nothing but a reskin ray from blue wormhole is neat


REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


Iā€™m not supposed to be here :sob:


0 in around 20 hours but whatever I didnā€™t expect any


Only got an Oreo but Iā€™m not sad! Even though itā€™s my 3rd one.


Got alien hide
Thatā€™s an event so it counts


2.5 event whites, qot, jugg and kageboshi. For other stuff 3 cswords, 1 cwand, 1 alien hide and 1 alien robe


Was away, so 0. Though not in ā€˜needā€™ of any so not bothered at all about missing it.


13 event whites 3 being cswords so 10


1 Kageboshi
1 Oreo
1 Qot
if i wonā€™t get a cdirk from the very next cube god i touch, i will spontaneously combust

  1. Thankfully I couldnā€™t participate in the event white event because Iā€™m in China, otherwise Iā€™d get another 7 (8? I lost count) Oreos and none of the whites I need.

Edit: wtf formatting




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