How much dps does a stuck fractured gemstone wakzashi do?



Nazoado has some great vids demonstrating its power.


Erm…lots, probably.
From what I’ve tested, it deals its damage every tick (=0.2 seconds), so that’d bee 370/0.2=1850 DPS, excluding defense, including the inflicted exposed.


^Should be 350 but still insane dmg (1750 dps)




sorry seel im blind

rough idea of the speed

i think seelpit is right with the every tick (but ofc mileage depends on how good ur pc is, reviewing footage a few times it would “skip” a tick b/c my comp bad); ~25 hits over 5 seconds for 0.2s/hit.


I think your latency will have more effect on damage than how good or bad your computer is. Is damage not calculated server-side?


Good question, I dunno but at least for your ‘classic’ dmg dealing items (i.e. frame skip, spellbomb goes thru target => no dmg actually dealt to enemy even on the server side) there’s some client side interaction. But idk the type of damage that this waki is classified as, b/c you also have things like traps/pets/poisons that can “insta” bosses or skip phases since they deal damage differently. :man_shrugging: someone summon unibor


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