How to deal with depression? [after character deaths]


sorry i was at school and my phone died im on my pc now


plveuk ur a stain on this game LUL


I know people who give up on life cuz they can’t get Gold in League of Legends.

You died with gear I would give to a noob for free.

Join a good guild and get the help you need to deal more Damage per Pixel or something…

You make it seem like your crops died in Farming Simulator and someone is going to 360 no scope your family for it.

Just try again or quit. I’ve quit like 5 times already. Not that hard to shake off.


Lmao youre hilarious. I have lost a lot worse than you and while it was sad for a bit, I just took a break for a day and played like nothing happened. Honestly if this TRULY makes you depressed then I would suggest seeking medical help from a doctor or therapist.


In spite of what these people are saying, I think there are a few options here.

1: Take a break for a while
As suggested earlier: take a break from the game. Play some other games, or do some sports, read some comics, you know.

2: Rebuild with a throwaway character
I personally enjoy Necro a LOT, because of balanced DPS coupled with good healing. Only max characters you want to max, not specifically the farming char. But maxing dex somewhat can help.

3: Do idiotic stuff on 0/8s.
Note that I don’t mean “take your other characters and play stupidly”, I mean making a character and just enjoy playing on them without a care in the world.
Try to stun the Lost Sentry! Rush a UDL with 10 def on a Necro! Do a Nest on a Trix with no gear except a T1 Speed Ring! Just enjoy the game for a bit, like old times, you know?

But most importantly, if you are having serious doubts on your mental health, please seek help. If it’s serious, it can snowball heavily.
Of course, I don’t listen to my own advice due to my own stubbornness.


My suggestion? :beers::beers::beers::beers::beer::beer::beer::beers::beers::beers:


I second this

  1. Don’t kys lol
  2. just merch to get itenz if you want
  3. fuck around lmao


As someone who knows people that actually suffer from depression, this triggers me, I hate when people say “hurr durr I have depression, I just dropped my ice cream”. Shut up. Just no. Stop.


As someone that sometimes suffer of depression, I must say that you’re right. But you can’t stop this kind of meme.

What I would advice is just stop paying attention to them.


I actually never cared about the gear. The maxing without a farming character is a pain.
It takes me 16 hours to max 6/8 on a Wizard without any other character for farming.


When we were able to trade UTs and amulet of resurrection was a thing (that i couldn’t afford at the time).


It happen to me also. Very sad thing is when hard work on charactor and then it died. For this, you are take a break and then come back with fresh mind to rebild. For me rebild is very tough, but with patience anyone is do it.


Wait, if you’re going to kill yourself why do you care if it’s free


Do you realize that you have possibly commited a crime?



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