[HUGE Class Idea]: Subclasses!


only problems i see with this are

A. there’s already a trickster skin with the name 'jester’
B. there’s already a huntress skin with the name ‘amazonian’





That’s probably where the inspiration comes from. Infact, knowing that the Ranger skin was a scrapped class altogether, it definelty was.


still, it’d be confusing

also ranger was a scrapped class? sounds interesting


Yes, I am aware.

Those skins inspired some classes. There’s also a Ghost Ninja.

The subclasses are more about bringing skins to life and adding a twist to some classes without the need for a skin to build upon.


Thanks for replying.

Yes UT’s would be forged in a similar way. They will definitely require more than 2 tops (or old tops… Idk what an Elvish is considered as now).

Over time, I will attempt to add UT’s for each class. I find it challenging because some UT’s may have ridiculous synergy that would make a ‘sub’ class a no-brainer to play. That’s not what I’m pushing for.

You aren’t being a disturbance at all. Your questions help me build upon my idea, after all. Thanks again.



most of these are either crazy op or stupidly useless with not much in between. your biggest thing holding back the perma-jugg warrior is the high mp cost, but lets be real no one cares about that with how powerful pets are in the game. you can’t make it not unfathomably broken at high pet levels without making it completely worthless at lower pet levels.

the priestess is basically the same thing as a paladin, but with a wand and robe. why would anyone ever play that over a paladin with a sword and heavy armor? it’s even less useful when you consider that this means you don’t have prot anymore, which is the biggest reason anyone plays priest anymore.

the elder wizard sounds pretty much like a knight but with no stun or defense. who would play that?

the explosive archer is the best one of the group, but the name is tad silly.

no one would ever in their right mind trade invisibility for a pile of completely random status effects that only last a single second. not having any control over what you ability does to enemies is totally useless.

the peasant is basically all three melee classes rolled up into one: stun, damaging, and berserk all in one? even if you can’t maintain it indefinitely you can definitely keep it up long enough to rape everything in half. maybe that’s where the name comes from? :thinking:

no one would ever use the general’s key press or key release effects, perma +20 atk/def/spd/dex? I mean daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn.

Grenadier is even more difficult than assassin to get his ability to hit, and for only 100 more damage than a T6 poison (and 200 less than a murky toxin). just not worth it when you consider you’re likely to only do 500-600 damage a pop on account of the waiting time for the thing to blow up in the first place.

so what does that leave? slow? pass.
and again, random status effects is worthless because it gives you no control whatsoever over what your ability does.

the amazonian’s tiger only does 90 dps? an unmaxed level 20 priest with stuff he found on the ground does nearly 4 times that much damage. you wouldn’t really notice a wimpy noob priest with that kind of equipment in terms of dps, so you wouldn’t really notice the tiger either it would take a tiger almost 4 seconds just to do the same amount of damage a single t6 trap would do instantly (in 1 second if you want to nitpick the arm time).

star mother’s ability has the same name as the ninja’s. also it only really makes a significant difference for the sorcerer and necromancer, you could argue that it helps the other wismod classes as well but it only really extends the duration of their effects slightly. 1 second stun is meh, can’t really do a lot in that amount of time and the lobbing mechanic makes it much more difficult to chain

jester is pretty much a trickster with the new ST prism that has less duration and a teeny tiny invis buff.

droideaver, again, random status effects gives you no control over what your ability does and that’s not a good thing. no one would put up with that.

aren’t those the same thing?

last note:

and what are those stat changes supposed to be? it’s kind of a big deal, but not listed.


I think the stat changes he meant were the ones on the abilities which aren’t even that different from most of the others? I’m not too sure on this though, as he wrote about actual different skins of these class, so I’m guessing they have their own selection in the classes menu, and maybe even different stats on them.

In general, these “sub classes” are pretty much just a new, really unique UT for each class. It doesn’t change anything else as far as I could see. And I have to agree, it’s either useless or OP as hell.

Most of these are just called after skins of the actual class as well, which would mean someone has to rename those as well. And then there’s the whole “forging” mechanic? No information on that?

This could be a pretty cool idea, but it’s not nearly fleshed out enough to be actually worth being posted here (in the ideas sections, I mean, at least put it in the WIP section).


It’s hard to explain this without sprites. Just imagine one of those fancy helms.

Well, there’s no sense of balance with a level 100 pet, is there?
Also, Pet Stasis and Quiet are becoming more common just to counter that.
The Nobleman also has no Speedy, so I had to compensate so it could still rush like another Melee.
These classes aren’t supposed to be something you jump into; it’s a subclass.

For the Priestess, I was thinking of including an Oreo-like UT that would compensate for not having Prot. It’s a heavy loss, but these classes are far from done my friend.
And if players just wanna experiment with a long range Paladin that takes LESS damage, they can because:
These classes aren’t supposed to be something you jump into; it’s a subclass.

BECAUSE the Elder Wizard still bears a staff and wears a Robe that gives even more MP to dump on enemies IF you don’t have Resu.
I will release the stats soon. I’m just not that excited because I know Deca will most likely just look past an idea like this.

I present you, Explosive Specialist! I don’t know what to really name this class.

I really liked this class. It has that Twisted Fate kind of feel to it while being more deadly than a Rogue.
It also actually does something in dungeons where… You either rushed or cannot evade getting shot at (ex: Lost Halls)

Ah yes, the Peasant is a Booty Warrior. It sacrifices it’s focus on one status effect/buff and rolls it all up into the big package, as you said. Still can’t do much in endgame dungeons. Has a hard time actually chunking enemies too if you think about it (only two shield shots).

I thought about it, yes. I planned to change the MP drain to 60MP/s. Forgot to.
The stats for the General will be WAYY different than Paladin. Stay tuned.
+20 ATT and +20 DEX together still don’t equal a Damaging or Berserk buff, which is fair.
I’ll warn you now: This class will have the lowest amount of WIS in-game without buffs.
Recovering from Quiet or Pet Stasis will not be easy…

Meh, Grenadier is more towards instant SB damage instead of having to time a poison bomb on an enemy that only lasts 10 seconds before being deleted. That’s pretty much it… Oh, and the slightly higher radius to deal damage in.

UT Drakes will unlock more effects. Don’t forget Curse is still on the table. That’s three Drakes firing off status effects at once. You won’t need to play Russian Roulette with it too much unless there is a huge group of enemies.

You gotta remember; this isn’t the only tiger you can spawn. If you have the MP, you can spawn like 7 before one despawns. Also, they have a lot of HP to absorb damage with.
Although the tiger doesn’t act like a decoy, it still has it’s uses.

Eh just rename it Ninja star or something. +40 WIS ain’t nothing in this game if it lasts 10 seconds. I agree. The Wismod will help a few classes out. I agree. The stun though? I feel that stunning O2 from a range is a bit perky. I think it’s fair.

The new ST prism is shit. I even died with it… in my inventory.
This class is good because instead of having to make the decoy taunt everyone, you get a second of Invis to actually dodge all of them.
Very cheap to spam too.

I meant Invisibility. Gotta make quite a few fixes to the post. Just wanted to get it out there.

Stay tuned.

Thanks for the reply by the way. Noted a few things to change for sure.


The 6 stats.

I mean, if someone owns an Amazonian skin they should be able to keep it. It’s a skin.
Forging requires it’s own area where players can go to actually ‘forge’ the new abilities.
I’m thinking about where it would go and the prices for each item forged. It’s tough to find a good balance.

I would put it in WIP, but this idea isn’t supposed to really make it far. Maybe a class or two would be ripped from it, but not all 14. Definitely not as a ‘Subclass’ with a ‘forging system’ just to use the class.

Just being creative.


Yes, it is a very creative and a (at least in my eyes), a quite well thought out idea. However, only skimming through this quickly, is a question: forging and what IS it? Sorry if you had mentioned it prior, but how can you forge? Why would you forge? Is it worth it? How much would it cost? What I’m trying to say is: what’s the point of it? If it’s just another useless feature, then this entire idea goes down the drain. For example, the Jester. It’s basically another rogue, except you can’t teleport. All of these are essentially classes with high-MP cost abilities that mimic the other classes.


So far, I like them.

A few of them are good but others seem like there isn’t much change and it’s just altered extremely slightly. Maybe make some more tweaks to them. The names are also weird for some of them. Ill specify later. I’m time packed rn.


I didn’t explain it, but I did say why I didn’t in a comment, so you probably didn’t see it. My apologies.

The reason is: to implement a new function into the game will definitely be confusing, leave the game potentially vulnerable to exploits and pressure the economy into buying more tops that they don’t need, just to forge a class.

I’ll need to find a good way to apply this feature to the game.


I am looking forward to the idea.


Added, will be near the top of the post.

Thanks for waiting. Tell me if anything seems off/unfair!




I love it


This is like Fire Emblem or Maplestory. You can promote your classes to higher ranks.


This is great for players, like myself, who want something fresh and new to try out. Stats are balanced, I have no complaints. Star mother seems especially fun to play.


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