I Need A Guild To Join


I’m currently looking for a guild to join, right now I am 13 years old, and a boy.

I use Discord really often, I’m decently experience with big dungeons such as Shatts, Lost Halls, or Tomb’s, but for me I think that there is still a lot more to learn about them, so it would be nice if someone in this guild would teach me. I speak English, and no other languages, I’d prefer US servers, but EU is also fine.

Currently I’m a red star (working to orange star), and I’d like to think I’m decent at the game, and I have a 7/8 Knight, a 7/8 Wizard, and a 1/8 Mystic (Who I’m working to get to 7/8 like my others). my IGN is ‘KultMilumi’, if you are looking for a new guild member, please consider me to be one, you can either PM me on Discord @:Chef Gusto Ramsay#0696, or you can PM on RotMg, I’d prefer it on Discord because I check that more often than PM’s on RotMg.


You’re welcome to join :slight_smile:


I’d be very happy to be able to join your guild, but by any chance do you, or any other guild mate’s have Discord? It would be much easier for me to be able to contact someone on there because I think that there are different timezones.


That’s fine, we do in fact have a discord, but RealGmng is probably in game right now. I’ll be playing shortly anyway so you can message me in game in about fifteen minutes


There’s an officer on now, if you want to join


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