I need a server fix


I was doing an oryx castle on my 8/8 rogue.
Everything was rubberbanding.
I went into the janus area
I came out
I died…
fix servers?


Can’t do anything about it.


How to fix DECA servers

  1. Take out hammer
  2. Take out potato
  3. Do your worst


Stop copying owenbeast’s name >:c

Nothing much you can do tho.


Specs? Also download speed?


If you had taken the time out to give us any sort of detail regarding your problem, perhaps we could have helped.
No one here is going to comment saying “Oh golly, didja die? Shucks, I’ll go to the server and fix ‘er right on up for ya! Thank god you told me, never woulda done it otherwise!”.

But, I think the appropriate response to

at this point is
Tough luck…
take a goddamn hike?



is USS2 server unstable? i’m lagging a lot on that server, even died without getting close to LoD Green dragon.


if you really need one, you could donate to deca :wink:


not my fault XD




But i did!

Well, i’ve bought some realm gold for vault chests, does that count as donating?


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