I need help with an assignment


My STEM teacher is making my class make a box to mail a singular Pringle to the school.

Here are the rules:

  1. I can’t use a premade box
  2. I can’t apply any substances or alter the Pringle in any way

Can y’all help at all?


A Pringle, as in a cylinder of pringles, or a single pringle?


A singular Pringle. I’ll edit the post.


And the pringle cannot be broken in the shipping process?

Do you have access to 3d printing? What are the materials that you are able to use/access? Details please.


Paper mache


Papier-mâché?? Why? My logitech mouse came to my doorstep half smashed (only the box), no way fucking paper and glue can survive.


A quick google search of “box to mail pringle chip without it cracking” will give you plenty of examples that other people used for this apparently common assignment


@Oddtoed, that thing you mentioned sounds stupid, silly, and ridiculous.

and I honestly believe that your STEM teacher is just weird. unless I’m proven otherwise of course.


I have never done a project like this, but I would think packing peanuts inside an egg carton would probably do decently. Then surround the carton with a layer of bubble wrap and wrap the whole thing in paper so you can put the shipping info on it.

Pringles are insanely fragile… Sounds tough.

@BlueBoa that’s no fun. The point is not the construction, the point is ingenuity. Asking strangers for inspiration is fine, but looking up solutions completely defeats the purpose.

@Rabcord Most STEM teachers are a bit weird. The project certainly sounds silly and ridiculous, but not at all stupid. I think this is really an excellent project prompt, tbh. I’d be curious to hear why you think that way.


I’m gonna be honest, I’ve never seen this kind of thing before. I just didn’t know that these exist.
and now that you mention it, yeah it’s probably not stupid, just a bit weird.


That’s alright. Try to keep an open mind. Calling something stupid off the bat is a great way to block yourself from learning. If a teacher is having you do something really off-the-wall, it probably means they are a good teacher and they are trying to get you to learn something in an interesting way instead of just telling you information.

Speaking as a STEM teacher :v:


I suppose a metal box with something like cotton wool (maybe you can use the stuff inside of a pillow?) should work


Put pringle in clay. suspend in jello. release pringle for fresh snack


Do mynamerr’s suggestion, something like cotton or plush filling will make contact with the whole chip and evenly absorb motion as the box moves, assuming you get enough in there


Teacher expecting you to mail uncracked Pringle when commercially packaged ones are cracked anyways smh (maybe I’m just unlucky…)

As for the box itself, would using cardboard be allowed? Might be easier to find and work with than metal


If I can find it at my own home then yes, I would be able to use cardboard.


Everyone here is saying even pressure, but I think that’s a bad idea because a pringle’s center of gravity isn’t exactly in the center because the stupid chip curves. So if you’re putting even pressure then you’re gonna snap the chip on the weird curvatures then the sides will crack.

Also I feel like if you use those giant bubble wrap things the air pressure/force/whatever will be greater than what the chip can withstand… which will make it crack.

Honestly just swallow the chip whole and mail yourself. When she wants the chip just force it out either end and you will be ok.


then ye do the mynam strat, dyi cardboard box should be easy enough to make, stuff lots of cotton + pringle and it should be good. you can also try testing how good your packaging is by throwing it off the balcony or something lol. just make sure the final pringle you send is of sound structural condition :^)


Are you allowed to put it in a jar of peanutbutter and mail that?

Interesting assignment. I wish I had those sort of projects in school


Sadly not, I also thought about that.