I need help with firing [shooting]


This is my first new topic or post, I don’t know. Anyway, I encountered a problem in ROTMG. If I stand still, I can fire my weapon normally. However, if I turn using Q and E I have to wait about 1 second to fire again. What’s worse is, if I move and turn I can’t fire my weapon at all. I tried using auto-fire to help. When I tried going into a dungeon, I have to stand still and wait 1 second to enter. So if I keep spinning or moving, I literally can’t press the Enter button. Also, my grammar and stuff might be bad, but I don’t care.


Also, I’m using a Logitech mouse and I have a new laptop. Which is a Lenovo ThinkPad or something.




Im guessing the inputs are something like mono, how it can only take one at a time. Something like how the system can only take one command at a time, so it has to finish rotating first before accepting the input to enter or fire. I don’t know, I don’t have this problem.


Edited your title cause I actually thought you wanted us to help you decide what employees you wanted to fire at your work or something cause you are their manager. :slight_smile:


You’re grammars fine man
Don’t resort to hacks tho


Thanks for doing a little editing guys :smiley:. Also, I managed to fix the problem. Now I can play ROTMG a lot better


Thanks, and I don’t use hacks. When I said auto-fire, I meant like the one in “Options”. Not like auto-aim or anything like that.


Yeah I had the same problem with track pad when my computer was brand new. There’s a name for this feature, but it’s pretty much to prevent you from accidentally clicking elsewhere while typing. Example: you’re typing an essay and your Palm accidentally clicks the track pad and now you’re typing in the middle of a paragraph.

Anyhow once you turn it off it should be fine. Glad it’s solved.


Yeah I know, gl


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