I need some help


I am looking to do some changes to Malus’ sprite, and it would be great to have the original 16x16 version (without the outline). can anyone help me?


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Next time you want to remove the outline of a sprite, you can download the original, import it into a spriting tool like Piskel, use your color picker to pick the transparent color, and use the “paint all pixels of the same color” tool to instantly make all of the outline transparent/erased.


Alternatively, the RealmEye wiki discord’s assets channel contains the three main spritesheets (character, mapObjects, and tiles…or somefin).
They can be tricky to find, so you could also take the rendered sprite and use the magic wand tool in paint dot net to easily find equally coloured pixels.

Additionally, do ping me once this post’s about 6 hours old. I’ve got the original lostHallsChars16x16 downloaded on my pc .w.


There ya go.




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