I'm worried about my Daily Calendar


Ok guys, below is my Daily Calendar for September 2017. I am slightly worried that I may not receive the Silver Mystery Skin though. I first logged in on September 1st and got the day one reward, and I continued to log in and earned day 2 and 3 and so on. As I post this, it is September 15th, 10:28 EST. But the server time says September 16th! I DO realize that, due to DECA being based somewhere out of Europe, that there is about a 4 hour time-zone difference. But I have logged in 15 times from September 1st until now, so I should only have 15 rewards (as I currently do.) But I fear I will miss the Silver Mystery skin… Can someone please tell me what will happen? Because I fear that when it is September 30th for me, it will be 12:00 on October the 1st for DECA server time! Thanks guys!


I believe because you are that far behind, calendar reset to September calendar the day before September started for you
Either that or something else happened, which I cbb trying to work out


You’ll miss it Lock this pls


why the hell would you care lmao its just a skin


I’ve learned that when I do not finish a calendar, it actually extends into the next one just a little. The problem there is that it creates an endless delay, only preventable by DECA not adding a calendar a certain month so you could refresh it.


No it doesn’t. My mule didn’t finish last month’s calendar but it’s on track getting the silver skin.


You’ll miss. My guess is you logged in after 5pm PST/8pm est on Sept 1st.


Yeah but it’s free. A free skin normally obtained through the misery box or some absurd price.


Well, I care because I have 1 main and 19 mules. So I was potentially going to have 20 Silver Mystery Skins, most of which are NOT soulbound. I was gonna get mad rich off selling 20 skins! Ya know?


That’s actually happened to me before, the calendar carrying over a little bit.


Hey @moderators how was @MessltUp able to change the topic of this post? I thought only the post creator could do that?



Moved it to #academy:questions-answers, because it’s that, not a game discussion.

I did not edit the title of the post, if that’s what you were implying.


Make mules bannable daca its not fair😂 Jk, and holy shit 19 mules?


I use the 19 mules mainly for vault chests and their invs to store stuff. But, I sometimes use them to farm pots when I die on my main.


Hmm I have 0 mules lol maybe I should make a few… but you should combine them all to make a multiboxer cuz hax are cool


This was a joke btw, pls don’t ban me dekker xD


Multiboxing isn’t as easy as people think. If you don’t have certain codes then the characters separate VERY FAR after only a few steps.


Wether you know what will happen or not, its not gonna change the outcome, soo this post cant help you m8.


By the topic, I meant “game discussion” being changed to “academy/questions and answers.” Heck, if you changed the title I’d be convinced you are Swatsec or someone like that. Lol!


We can edit titles too fyi. Just not something that’s encouraged, usually done for clarification purposes.