InfamousX Trash PPE thread v2 (ORIGINAL CONTENT)


I thought i was dead at this point


what changed?


nothing has changed, still the same year, same character, same me


Yes But No

I don’t know why I am still here.


i still exist


Bard mundane ppe


update: I’m still alive I know
I also got a hella deep voice while I was gone






yeah it was an ut when decas actually dropped


technically they still do but yeah


Hmm voice chat with me on discord




also my discord
Discord Break - James#2020


Accept friend request
Also only have like 5 minutes to do it today, so might have to do it Monday : P


We never vced lmfao </3
Edit: Wait I’m alive? wtf?!?


Sorry I’ve been really busy. College finals this week :confused:


its okay bb <3


You live on Southern Hemisphere?

