International Glawi Day [Closed]


Hes wasting all of his 50 on glawi, thats all.


Make an international @Shatter day


he doesn’t need one, everyday is Shatter’s day tbh


not really, start liking shatter’s posts EVEN more?


he gets too many likes, its not possible!

also he wouldnt approve of it


image :wink: :beers:


U get a liek :heart:


happy 23rd, you old man


damn happy glawi day man it seems like it was just international shatter day :thinking:


soo i MIGHT have forgotten jason’s bday is today…

uhhhh oops

but hey! 2 holidays in one, even better!!


welcome to the forums! have a cooke :cookie:

nvm no cookie for u


is this enough


Wrong column.


Glawi Day 2018 is over

Thank you to everyone who participated!

@Glawi how many likes did u get?



Thankies for this event @Unselfish nwn/
And also thanks for all those who participated on this x3c

At the end of this event I got 306 notifications which means I’ve received at least a like on 306 different posts, now It’s time to open them and actually count the amount of likes obtained since multiple likes in a same posts only count as 1 notif xux


After spending a while counting and also making sure I didn’t skip or counted twice a notification, this event raised 1266 likes :heart: Q/w/Q

Awww thanks again to all of chu >/w/< I weally appreciate it!!


does this thread deserve a glawi coin?


:o over 1000? did not expect that!

well, now theres gonna be like 20 different “International [Insert name here] Day” threads


It’s funny how I still receive a bunch of notifications x3 (93 to be exact)