Introducing.... The Enhancement System!


Think of when you first started the game.

Starting with T0 items with a wizard. You look at the character list. You think about a goal to achieve, whether it be to get to level 20 so you can unlock a different character, or max your first stat, or get your first UT.

This right there is what we strove for as newcomers to the Realm. We had a goal in mind, as we went for it. Now, the only goal we have is gasp, fame! What kind of goal is fame? We can just sit in a train all day and slowly waste our time trying to achieve that goal. This will solve the void of a sense of achievement.

Before I start, I would like to state that I am not a graphic artist, so these are my best attempts at making cool new shiny sprites. Now, onto the idea!


With this new system, you can rank each specific character to get sweet new visual rewards such as:

Stars on your profile to indicate your dungeon success!



This will be explained later!


a new menu is approaching!

Whats this? View Medals and View Index?

Yes! Two new shiny buttons to play with.
Index is a sneak peek of a new idea, be on the lookout!

Lets dive right into the medals option shall we?

When clicking on the “View Medals” button, a new menu will pop up!

Hold up hold up, there are a lot of parts that are new to this! Let me break it down for you.

  • A blown up picture of your current character.
  • A count of all your dungeons levels, added up.
  • A list of dungeons where you have gotten medals from.

So, to further explain:

In every dungeon you do, you will have a chance of getting These medals from the respective dungeons. (I only sprited 3 star dungeons and up.) One per dungeon has the possibility of dropping, and will be credited to your character similar to experience:

Once you get enough medals on your character (as shown by the Abyss of Demons in the previous screenshot) for a dungeon, it will turn green, and upon clicking:

A menu confirming your conversion of medals to levels will appear. Once you confirm, a level will be added to your character’s progress.

Depending on your level, you will get cool new visual perks (No change to fame, loot tables, or frequency in the slightest.) When in the dungeon.

These visual effects will only be present in the dungeon that you have the criteria in. For example, lets say a trail is unlocked at level 5, only the dungeons that I have level 5 in will show my trail.

For each level added to your dungeon, a star will be added to your profile page when someone hovers over your name.

Once you reach 5 stars, the silver stars will be replaced with a single gold star, similar to tally marks. At level 5, a yellow trail will follow your movements in the dungeon.

This is a great way to give a sense of achievement for all your characters. By having this be character specific, other players can see your progress with a specific character, showing that you are proficient on a specific character, in a certain dungeon.

Drop wise, I feel that a 1/30 chance of a medal drop would be sufficient, as you should need to grind heavily to get visual effects. Dropping once per dungeon, regardless of how many players are in the dungeon, will be a better indicator of the amount of dungeons an individual must run to get these perks. The medals would also only drop from a boss, so no Treasure Rooms will drop these. For Candy Lands and LoDs, and Tombs, only one boss will have the chance to drop them. For The Shatters, only The Forgotten King will be able to drop it, so an enhancement level will show true strength in making it through the dungeon.

So as I was thinking of this idea, more uses of this system came to mind. This system could be the base of an elder realms, where characters with a certain enhancement level or above would only be allowed access, as well as key openers being able to restrict dungeons to a specific level of enhancement. This system could also open up a new side of the legends board we have not seen before, with a different glow that can be used. Why just be able to glow red for fame when you can glow green or yellow for enhancement level? This will give old and new players a chance to make it on the legends board.

If you got through this whole thread, be happy to accept my blob as a token of gratification.

If you have any feedback, comments, or suggestions for this idea or what I could have done differently for an idea thread in general, please post below! Also vote in the poll! 1 is that the idea is poop and 10 is that the idea is AMAZING![poll type=number min=1 max=10 step=1]

Thanks for taking the time to read!


  • Guild Hall recognition: see which guildies have the highest enhancement level and which character they are with a little pedestal for first second and third. Pedestal comes with max guild hall rank!

  • Debate for whether or not it should be RNG to get the medals or just on completion.

  • Potential skins as a tier reward

  • Graveyard stats

  • Experimental option to turn off particles

  • More than just visual perks. This one is the most difficult in my eyes. Please put some input into that!

Best of the Best Nominations - December 2017

First off, not really sure what this has to do with enhancing characters since I believe all you are changing is game visuals, but I really think it’s an idea with potential.

Rotmg really lacks an achievement system, and these visual add-ons would be an interesting but imo positive idea for the game. I would love to see usage of more partical trails and maybe a medal achievement for guild members. Wouldn’t it be cool if there was pedestals in the guild hall showing your guild having gold medals with enough dungeon experience.


Amazing idea!! hope this will be introduced in the game


Yes that is a good point Castawayz, I was thinking enhancing as in visually, but that name could easily be Prestige or anything of the sort.

As for guilds and such, there are endless possibilities in my mind that this can be put to use as, such as guild battles and what you said. Correct me if I am wrong but I thought that Kabam said that they had player homes in mind, which this could be added to as previous achievements in a case or something of that sort. Thanks for the input!


…sooooo if you do a lot of a dungeon you get a particle trail or glow while in that dungeon?

A+ for presentation, but couldn’t you get the same thing by adding a leaderboard for whoever’s done the most of a kind of dungeon? the game keeps track of those numbers already.


RAAAAAAHHH I wanna know now though! :cry:
I’m guessing you haven’t finished that yet? oh well.


NEATERINO, cool idea, as implementing this should be easier than dungeons for DECA, and the new goal plus new button, AND a newer, easier way to show off than grinding for white star


Yes, I understand that the game keeps track of the numbers of the dungeons, but I would like to see the proficiency of dungeons of all of those who are in the dungeon with me, not solely the ones who grind those more than others. I would like this to be something that isn’t dependent on how many/little someone does those dungeons.

That is in the works :slight_smile:


Thanks for the input! Glad you liked the variety in it.


I really like the idea since I love all cosmetic related stuff x3
Plus it shows which dungeons the player has been running a lot and which one he’s very good at :3
You won a golden Glawi coin! :v


Where can I redeem these? Haha!

Thanks for your input!

For anyone reading this, I don’t know how to move this to the “other” section instead of the general section. How do I contact a mod?


don’t even need a mod, regulars can do this too. but for future reference:

also typing @moderators gives them a notification if you need


Wow! That was easier than I thought. Thanks for that!


Looks great. I agree the name needs work, but you really spent far more time and effort on this than I expected when we first discussed it. There are several things I could think to add to this, but all good things come with time. No need to ask for miracles, if even the base concept gets picked up by DECA, the game will be better for it.


Interesting idea.

7/10 - You passed


Thank you for the input! It would be great if you posted what you would like to add. I can add a suggestion section in this post as well!

Thanks for the passing grade of a C.

What kind of suggestions do you think I could use to make this idea better?


this is cool i like how you can actually get a Visual change after doing certain things because an achievement is not enough for me anyways :wink:


When the title said Enhancement System, I was expecting a little more than, visual effects, to say the least, honestly, it’s seems cool and all, but looks like something WAY too complicated for an achievement list.

As for actual criticism, if you have a lot of people with the trail effect, that might cause lag for weaker systems, but the odds of that many people with that effect being together would likely only happen in guild dungeons, but I’d rather stick with the stars.

Having the medals be a drop chance seems rather lame, this sort of achievement shouldn’t be luck based like everything else in the game, i’d say if you qualify for soulbound damage, the boss will drop the medal.
But obviously if the drop is guaranteed upon doing SB damage then the medal count would have to be a lot higher to compensate, I also think that the amount of medals you have to obtain would be relevant to the dungeons difficulty.

Rather than clogging up a post with this, here’s a Google Docs Link

And to note, I didn’t put in the event dungeons cause I felt there would be no need, but I will if you want.


I love the presentation of the Idea, very nice! As the idea itself… I’m quite skeptical. It shows the number of dungeons you have done on a certain character/account, but I don’t find it exciting. I guess that’s the word I’m looking for; the idea is not bad, but I’m not exactly thrilled by it either.

The others seem to think otherwise, so kudos to you!

Question; are these medals character or account based?


This is the criticism I was looking for! The reason I thought it should be RNG is to fit in with the rest of the game, but it also makes sense that it would be on completion as well. I however feel that it should be a person per dungeon, since it doesn’t show your proficiency in it. Qualifying for SB and getting a medal regardless in my eyes just doesnt cut it. As for the numbers per dungeon, with your idea, it fits!

Thanks for the input. It means a lot.


As for your question, it would be per character, as it shows your proficiency with the character, rather than the account.

As for ideas, I would like to hear if you have any input, since any game mechanics such as loot tables, or fame bonuses in my eyes are the wrong thing to be focusing this idea on. I have a lot more ideas in sense of grander scale that this can all fit in, but I will need a lot of time to compile all of those ideas.

Thanks for the input!