Is spec overrated?

  • yes spec is good
  • no why do ppl even use

0 voters

First off, I know people use it for the att, but its only +3 so the difference is probably not going to be noticeable unless you go for max att set, second, its literally a drake hide with +3 att and +3 spd… I think ppl are overrating the armor to begin with but I want to hear your thoughts.


And some t6 abilities are just a t5 with +2 vit and +2 wis.
People buy them anyway.
I think that you are underestimating spectral by comparing to drake hide, because +3 att and speed can be a big difference. Hydra armor is just plus a few def and dex, anyway.


you are saying +3atk as if its not going to be noticable but drake hide is also only a few more defense and dex so its also not going to be noticable anyway


Why use spec when you can use wyrmhide


Because of the att stat. Dbow is affected more by att than dex


Psst. Wanna hear a secret? Really no bonuses on armors matter that much. I mean yeah a little extra HP can save you but in most cases my realm deaths are insta-pops or I nexus in time. DPS stats don’t really matter either, in most cases either you can get your soulbound in on a boss, or you won’t, and it will more to do with your skill than 3 attack worth of difference.


Your question doesn’t fit the poll. Overrated has nothing to do with good or bad.


Best response on this thread.


It’s real overrated. Really, when do you need an extra 100-ish dps? I’d much rather have some more def points.


Do you really need extra 3 def with pets?
spec is og and it’s a great armor, id rather have a bit more attack than that extra def.


it’s… alright.
don’t use it if you have Golem Garments imo, but it’s useful on throwaway characters i guess


You could also argue that you don’t really even need the “extra” dps to hit soulbound.

Spectral looks cool, and that’s about it as far as I’m concerned, I don’t like using it a whole lot.

Edit: Throwing in some DPS charts. 14 extra damage per second? Totally worth, amirite.


Yeah, I agree with you.@AnakinSolo Yes, all too true and may some as a shock too some people.@Adolfia I see you a lot, and you only give people trouble.Time to help others.@Ke Good point and I see where you are coming from.@GGaodzilla It proves a lot of hard work and effort though.


Well all bows would technically be affected equally but I find dex more useful since it can be hard to hit shots with a slow firerate and the extra damage wouldn’t be needed since dex naturally gives more dps and att gives more armor pierce value.


I like using it on my rogue, and with 75 dex base max that extra 3 att, gives some sweet extra damage imo


I use it for the aesthetics more than it’s dps


You could just as easily argue that the more skilled you are, the best every small bonus gets. A skilled player is the one who can best take advantage of every small bonus and play the character to its fullest potential, after all.

There is also the fact that it’s not so much about every small bonus on every small piece of equipment individually and more about how you build a full set. For example, Spectral used to be the only Light Armor with an Atk bonus, therefore it was the only option for anyone who wanted an Atk-focused set on a Light Armor class.

Finally, it’s a bit arbitrary to say that bonuses on Armors don’t matter when Armors sometimes have stat bonuses spreads no good ring has or have better bonuses than even the best rings.


think ppl just buy them because they dont have a t5 ability and want to have a cool looking one or they feel insecure about running around with a ghelm instead of a g-gen when they reach 8/8 for warrior, or so it can match the set


also, 3 speed is barely noticeable unless you want to be one of the cool kids and reach o2 first or something, also 3 att is also pretty much useless because rng will hecc you over anyways cause as long as the other ppl hit the threshold, then they have a chance as well as you even if you do couple hundred dmg more than them. where as 3 def will be noticible as it can very well save your life and defensive stats are arguably the most important stat in the game, and the 2 dex dosnt really matter

TLDR the 3 def is better in my opinion cause rng


I think the main reason people want high att on bow classes is so that they can 1-shot gods and various other foes.

There’s no real difference in damage per second, but there is a noticable difference in damage per shot.