Is there a reason that low-tier UTs are soulbound?


I’m not trying to start an argument about event whites and the like being soulbound, because that’s already been debated to death. I’m just personally curious why weak UTs like poison fang dagger/snakeskin shield/snakeskin armor/etc are soulbound. It seems like it could just be a quality of life thing to unSB them; I don’t think we have to worry about dupers and RWT sites selling them en masse.

Is there a reason that they aren’t unSB? I’m kind of confused, so I’d appreciate if anybody knew a reason why.


Well, when Kabam soulbounded all the UTs in the duping era, they just did the same with the bad UTs


Well they’re decent feeds for uncommon and common. But that’s not too concerning, more of a extra bonus to do dungeons and sell them for pots.


how can they be low tier if they are untiered xd?


Low-tier as in not very useful/not good (compared to other UTs).


IMO, it’s for consistency and good/bad (or, in your words, low-tier) is debatable, unlike the UT status—the pros with their maxed characters think they’re crap, but the new players get one and are screaming “OMG IT’S A UT WOWOWOW” and stash it in their vaults as a beautiful valuable treasure. Also, as far as I know, all UTs are soulbound, and it might be confusing to make some UTs tradable and others not.
Sorry if this doesn’t make any sense, but I tried my best and it was pretty rushed.




UBHP is a UT and is not SB


There are tradeable UTs… Well Pixie was a UT or smth but it’s an ST now so there’s that. At least I think it was a UT.


I guess they found it easier to just apply the rule to everything.

I would completely favour unsb of the lower UTs. Getting a crystal staff when I’m helping a newb in Jungle would be great to be able to give that item over to them.



i know i was meme-ing


Actually I think Salju is UT now, so are the reskins. So nevermind


Kill me


UBHP was a T6 until DECA came, remember?

Why DECA Ring no UT


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