Is there any way to delete recent links from Flash Projector?


I was just putting random links into my flash projector, and now they are all in my recents. Is there a way to delete them?


Something with your registry

I think @nevov or someone else posted it in another thread recently

found this via google


Oh that’s much easier than my nonsense with Regedit.


To clarify, that’s:
go to main menu screen in Realm > right-click > global settings > delete all

(need to be in main menu because you can’t right-click to get to that option when actually playing)

Edit: oh that’s a pity, if it doesn’t work. I’ll post my one below.


Oof shouldn’t blindly follow shatter, it doesn’t seem to clear the link history anymore.

There was a very easy way and I swear this was it but I just tested it on mine and my links remain.


Update: Sorry I had a faulty memory, going into the registry does seem to be the only way to clear the link history.

The way I do it is just download CCleaner and have only Adobe Flash Player checked, run cleaner. After doing this the links will be gone. (tested)


@Nevov might still want to do the run down of how to do this without CCleaner

How to delete flash player cache?



That doesn’t clear the links :confused: it only resets all your settings inside rotmg


I just tried that but the links are still there.


When I did it I had all the default checks marked, try that if you don’t have any history/cookies you want stored. I tested this before I posted and it cleared mine.

and don’t blame nevov for being wrong it was me :frowning: My first comment was saying to do that but it turned out to be incorrect nevov was just expanding on it.


Which ones are the default ones? lol


Nvm I got it TYSM it worked!!!


yeah now that I look at it it was probably this lul



Ccleaner did the trick for me.


Deleting recent links from flash projector… :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:


The way with registry edit to remove file history on Flash is described on the Adobe forum: (same info as @Mynamerr posted only hosted on Adobe’s site).

The steps are:
Run regedit.exe
navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Macromedia\Flash Player
each previous history is there and you can manually delete. They are called ‘RecentMovie№’.

I believe that if you leave a gap in the history (eg. you delete number 1) then 2 onwards won’t display either. You can renumber manually but it is maybe easiest/laziest to just delete all the ‘RecentMovies’ and start from scratch.


If you use this to cover up hack client and pass yourself off as legit you are needless to say scum.

And I guess for anyone doing hack checks, be aware that just because someone has a clean looking Flash history that is no way proof of anything.

How to delete flash player cache?

Nah I was just wondering cause my recent links was triggering me for a while. I have ocd :hushed: Ty btw :slight_smile:


It might be that he accidentally pasted a porn link in there (which would be only marginally more embarrassing than a realm link anyways). :smiley:


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