Is this a good set?


Is this a good set for a pally? Pixie+Oreo+Acrop+Pyra? I never play pally so I don’t know if this is good or if I should change it. I do not have shatter whites or ass. You can look at my RealmEye to see the set.


That is a pretty dank set, but I would swap the oreo with a good ol’ gcookie. You can keep the oreo as a swapout if you want, but it’s just too situational to use as a main.
You might also want to bring an acclaim too just for when you need some more concentrated damage, but it’s not completely necessary.


Alrighty thanks a bunch


Don’t main pixie, ew.


How is this a guide?


It’s not.


I know, but its in guides. Wondering if op miss-clicked or something.


Moved to #academy:questions-answers for the time being.


Guide as in guiding me towards the chose. Didn’t want to bother the people trying to answer more serious questions. If any.


One of the best sets.


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