I've been playing since 2011. AmA


Not sure if you’re replying to the OP or to me but hell, why not?

  • The game has most definetly went through a renaissance period. To get the elephant out of the room, the monetization factor has ramped up a hell of a lot more than when I started (about April 2012). A lot was grandfathered upon DECA, but that’s always been the fate of long-term freemium games. There are surely more honest ways of making money off players, but to all their own I guess. Everything got fleshed out and expanded, which kinda took away the mystery and illusion of the original game, which just dropped you in the world and you went shooting. Its not quite the same game it used to be, but that’s necessarily make it worse.
  • Flash to Unity worried me a bit back in the day. I worried the online accessibility of ROTMG was its appeal. Ofcourse, that paradigm changed over time, and now its probably best it can sit in the library of the toughest gamers.

I give props to DECA straight up for keeping ROTMG well-oiled for the future. Ofcourse, this can’t be the case forever, and hopefully the money flows long enough for the game to stay afloat come the next generation.


Hello friend Kalitaio/HeyItsWii/Kalightortaio/WiiLikeToPlay2/Krishna Kokatay,

I would wish you well in return, but I am contractually obligated to answer your question instead. You may have previously read about my trip to Australia (Read about it here if you are unable to find it). Long story short, that trip should explain my choice in TF2. Anyone with a boomerang is ok in my book - that includes the long and short of it (boomers are indeed welcome).

That’s pretty much how.

Hello friend AlphaCroc,

You may have read previously about my message to Kalitaio (Read about it here if you haven’t already). After much debate, I have come to a conclusion. This debate involved a mirror, some lipstick, and a half-dried-up sharpie marker mustache to help differentiate the debaters, but that’s irrelevant to the conclusion. Ultimately, I have decided that you were indeed asking a question in your post despite the distinct lack of eroteme. In response, I must regrettably inform you that you are on something quite dangerous and addictive: the internet.

That’s pretty much how.

Hello friend Twitchystr,

You may have previously read about the origin of the word AMA (you can read about it here if you haven’t already). With that in mind, I must eliminate all doubt as to my supposed lack of knowledge on the subject. Everyone knows that it means “A Japanese Diver, Especially for Pearls or Food." As it turns out, this proves the long held theory that Davy Jones was actually a Japanese diver - as evidenced by this.

That’s pretty much how.

Hello friend WaterPower,

You may have read previously about my goal to become the very best - like no-one ever was (you can read about it here if you haven’t already). That being said, there is a certain goal I have that supersedes all other goals in RotMG, nay, in gaming as a whole. It was a fairly dreary afternoon with cloudy skies the night I found this secret out. It’s a secret so powerful that even the blessed gods at DECA gamers are loathe to release word of. Behold!

That’s pretty much how.

Hello friend Craftable,

You may have previously read about the market theory that I invented (you can read about it here if you haven’t already). What a curious question. Indeed, back in ye olden days there were certain rules the market would follow. I personally used my economic knowledge (including the knowledge of color theory) in performing what is perhaps the second best trade in all of RotMG. We all know the first best trade in RotMG so I won’t go further into that. Suffice to say I used greenback to get to the gold standard- that’s right: I bought a golden bow with a speed pot.

That’s pretty much how.

Hello friend SirGravy,

That should answer your question (you can read about it here if you haven’t already). As to a feature that I wish was still around? Let me regale with a powerful story of friendship and fearlessness. A lone challenger is traveling in the foothills of the mountains. Was he strong? No, but he was bold and fearless. He hears a hissing sound! In a pit, he sees the writhing mass of snake and jumps in headfirst. Suddenly, he’s in too deep. He calls out in his panic and a fellow adventurer appears! A friend, there to help. For a brief, golden moment the two meet each other’s gaze and mutual understanding is all but assured. Then the brave archer that jumped into the pit in the first place is slain by a venomous viper. A true tragedy! An ancestor of the archer comes to visit the grave and finds that his brave father’s ancestral gear had been saved by the friendly adventurer. Long story short, gravelooting was simultaneously the best and worst feature in the game.

That’s pretty much how.

Hello friend Jognozzle,

You may have heard about the strong feelings I have towards DECA gamers (you can read about it somewhere IDK anymore). The current stadt of the game is somewhere in Germany at the DECA gmbh inc co incorporated headquarters. The shift from flash to unity only meant good things for the game regardless of the execution. That said, I wasn’t a player that had many disconnect issues or lag issues. It’s very likely that stems from my gamer DNA which has mutated and been epigenetically effected, resulting in a pure gaming experience.

That’s pretty much how.

Hello friend DeeBomb,

IDK, are you? :eyes: In terms of endeerment, you’re the bomb.

That’s pretty much how.




My goodness! That’s a name I never expected any of you to utter. Sometimes I feel like one of the only ones who knows about the Redwall series.


why must you remind me of that cursed series? you even linked the fookin video ffs :laughing:

btw good luck on surviving O2 all the way, personnally i just go when i feel like i can, not participating in all phases cant hurt my sb dmg anyway


you are a very positive person and i really like the fact that you are addressing people who reply as friends.

favorite game?

from someone who wants to be your friend.


Mainly I want the community to know that you should rotate clockwise during the daze phase. I can do every phase reliably except for suns which eludes me other than go in and out for a second.


I want a whole paragraph dedicated to me too!!:joy::joy:anyways do u ever have burnouts? And if u do what do u do to deal with them? Also I’m interested if u can explain my weird energetic personality I tend to have?:ghost:


Also why do I sense a story writer from u??? U would be an amazing one!!! U should rlly try sometime!!:ghost::ghost::ghost:


Duly noted.

same problem here


Hello friend Literature,

You may have previously read my post where I described a few games I played previously. (You can read it here if you haven’t already). Most people would explain off their favorite game by listing the number of hours they have in it. I know people who can claim 2k plus hours in games - that’s insane to me. Then again, I bought Skyrim and Skyrim DLC’s multiple times so I guess you can still call me a sucker. Curse you Todd Howard. While I do enjoy RotMG and have obviously sunk hours into it, I’d probably have to give the title of my favorite game to The Witcher 3 currently, even though I only have 100 hours in the game. Complete experiences can often count for more than ongoing ones.

Hello friend BloodBirdX,

You may have previously read the my post on where I described games I’ve played (you can literally read it just above this if you haven’t already). Of course I have had burn-outs. Everyone has them from time to time. Sometimes you can be burned out of the most basic things of your day to day. I think I would have gotten sick of my coffee obsession by now if I wasn’t addicted to caffeine, for example. Maybe that’s a bad example. If you are getting burned out on something, it’s probably best to identify WHY you are feeling that way. For something like RotMG, I’ll just stop playing if I’m not having fun. I basically quit for a large part of Kabam - Msellers gave me the ninja and a stupid ant pet and I gave him my heart… how could I stay after he left? For something like work or study? It’s not wise to give those things up and is better to address the source of burnout instead. As to your personality, I’d normally not describe someone’s personality but you did ask. I imagine you are likely excited to try and make friends. holds up spork

I’m not a long-form writer, though I have dabbled in poetry.


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