Ive only played one class before, persuade me to play your favorite one.


Try playing a support class.

Priest, Paladin, Necromancer are all good support classes. Warrior is a hybrid, since he is very powerful on his own but can still help buff a small group.


Your favorite class that you’ve never gotten more than 600 fame on?

Not sure if this is some mistake but that’s quite untrue. You can indeed divert the attention of enemies, but “Completely unable to see you” ? “While you sneak past” ?

This sounds like you’re explaining the rogue ability. And let’s be real, if the rogue and trickster had the same stats, very few people would play trickster at all.

Otherwise, I think your main points are solid. The tier 6 prism for instance is pretty underrated I think. Very useful if you don’t have a dancing swords prism.


Not including Mystic in support class smh


Or Trickster


It’s a support too, i’m just giving examples




They’re not going to get much out of either class, if they’re even going to survive. Both are godawful beginner classes and both are squishy.

If you want to go with the traditional favorites, go with knight, archer, or warrior. They’re all reliable classes and relatively easy to master. They all have easy to use abilities and low ability mp cost. Knight is especially good for survivability and warrior is notorious for high dps and mobility. Archer is a jack of all trades and can be used in any situation in the game.


Do you like hitting the spacebar and getting your name called out by Oryx for almost every event kill. Then boy howdy do I have a class for you. Introducing the assassin, the all new way to get free sb on o2.


Introducing my 1300 fame ppe assassin with 13 oryx kills


Do warrior!
As a warrior main I can say it is very easy to survive with. My first maxed stat was on a warrior, in fact I maxed that boi and right now he’s sitting at 4k bf!
How’d o you play warrior, you ask? Simple! Space bar to run fast and shred through godlands! Just don’t run into god walls with speedy though! Max défense and you’re all set!

Good luck!


Do trickster, anytime you are bored you can teleport and you can be in a new situation.
It’s really fun having 2 different mechanics that are great just with tiered prisms.


It not op
It just very versatile…


I don’t need to be a white star to have a favourite class :confused:


He can like a class without being good enough at it to have stars on it. Honestly a mindset like “you’re not entitled to your opinion because you’re inexperienced” is pretty toxic, ngl


I didn’t say he couldn’t like a class without being good enough. You can have 30 fame on your favorite class and be a blue star. But I don’t think someone inexperienced with a class should start talking it up and explaining it when they have hardly played it themselves. Maybe the way I said it wasn’t the best though

totally entitled to his opinion, dont put words in my mouth


Never said that :confused:


That’s still a bad mindset though, since you assumed I’m bad with a class because I didn’t, er, fame train on it? Fame doesn’t define how good I am with a character you know.


I’m going to have to disagree

words in my mouth again. never said you were bad, just that you havent played it much. just a fact.

Most people don’t fame train, but I agree this is a flaw with the game. Fame was intended to show experience and people have of course found ways to acquire fame without playing.

no, but a lack of fame sure does show how little of it you have played


No, what it does show is that I can’t keep any character alive long enough to acquire lots of fame on it.


And what does that say about the class, or rather, the player?