Just a whole lotta polls


You forgot Torch.

But it is somehow a trojan so eh


I used to use Firefox then switched to Chrome then back to Firefox. Mostly because it seems to just perform better for me.


Chromeā€™s laggy for sure, especially if I play RotMG, which seems to drastically worsen the quality of every other open application by the powers of ten. It also wonā€™t open for me at times, so I have to force quit it before trying it again.

Itā€™s a shame because itā€™s more comfortable than Firefox for me, plus it doesnā€™t have the character limit thing that DuckDuckGo has.


Iā€¦ know of some of the strengths and weaknesses of the different platforms, but my bigger issue with electronics is privacy, which is a larger reason I donā€™t use chrome. I know ā€œprivacy is a myth,ā€ but Iā€™ll take more rather than less. That goes for a lot of social media and Google products. Yeah, I canā€™t DI as much on an iPhone compared to a Samsung, but I hate feeling more exposed than I have to be.


I donā€™t understand why anyone cares about privacy in the first place. Who cares if anyone sees what Iā€™m doing online? Itā€™s not like I have much anything to hide


I still play RotMG on Chrome because:

  1. Iā€™m an idiot
  2. Iā€™m used to DCs every 10 minutes and black tile lag


Itā€™s partially minor paranoia, but things in the Internet are very permanent. Nothing is truly deleted, and although I have nothing to hide, is better safe than sorry. Places like my fathers job are typically pickier about who they let in based on what the persons traits are on and offline.

For the immediate moment, for places like YouTube, for example, I hate them trying to shove suggestions down your throat. Especially if I mistap on a video or was curious about a standalone video. It pollutes what I want to see. Ahaha, and donā€™t get me started on Facebook or Snapchatā€¦

Just to clarify, though, this is just me. Iā€™m not calling anyone stupid for using anything, itā€™s just me having a preference.


my dad is the mac person so im stuck using that.
Sometimes i use safari but mostly chrome cuz im a noob




We need more polls.
Pick a greeting.

  • Hi.
  • Hello.
  • Hiya/Heya.
  • Ahoy.
  • Howdy.
  • 'Sup/Wassup/Whatā€™s up.
  • Whatā€™s crackinā€™?
  • Good morning/afternoon/evening.
  • Heeereā€™s Johnny.
  • There is no room here for neanderthals.
  • Some other foreign greeting.

0 voters


Alternate between hey and gā€™day.


Hows it going

so very sophisticated of me, i know


i canā€™t believe you didnā€™t put hello there on the poll


Look closely. :mag:








I actually use Firefox Nightly nowadays, which is the beta release for firefox.
The reason for that is because at some point some of my add-ons stopped working due to enforced imcompatibility issues that werenā€™t enforced on Nightly.
By now theyā€™re working again on regular Firefox but at this point Iā€™ve been using Nightly for so long that I donā€™t really feel like moving back. (Mostly because itā€™s a hassle to migrate.)

  • Get a bouquet of flowers from a company
  • Get a music CD from a company
  • Get a miniature portable BBQ from a company

0 voters


I donā€™t really care about music CDs, gifted flowers just die anyways, and I think a portable BBQ is slightly more than useless for me