KPOP Thread


Just here to talk about kpop :stuck_out_tongue:
I personally like Twice the best, and I think bts is overhyped ;p
BTS’ best songs are probably spring day and go go for memes


K-pop isn’t the kind of music I would usually listen to, but it is very upbeat and not bad.


Kpop is fake news. At some point, I enjoyed it. (it lasted around an hour)


Twice is pretty good, I feel good saying that I have listened to them before they created a lot of K-PoP. A lot of fans came after Likey and they know nothing of them, kinda pisses me off.
BTS deserves the hype. As much as I don’t like them they deserve that hype, they made it to the AMA’s which is a huge goal.

Personally I like Red Velvet, 볼빨간 (Bolbbalgan), and Jay Park. Love to listen to their music.

Other bands and people I listen to are AKMU, Suzy, Monogram, Block B, Yozoh, WINNER, GG, BP, EH, Suran, and IU.


Huh, what do you mean by fake news?


It’s fake music


How can music be fake?


By not being music. My definition is: vocal or instrumental sounds (or both) combined in such a way as to produce beauty of form
However, as kpop is vocal/instrumental sounds, it attempts to be music. However, as it does not create beauty of form (at least in my opinion), it is fake


Your definition?

At least credit google and not say its “your definition.”

I want to say that before what I say below, I do recognize this as your opinion and you can think however you like, and if you think one way and I think another, it is just one different opinion between us. (No hard feelings)

To me, music doesn’t have to create beauty. It can create sadness, it can be monotonous, it doesn’t have to have feeling. But just because it doesn’t create beauty to some people doesn’t mean it isn’t music.
To me, music is a way of expressing how you feel, in the way you want. If you feel like talking extremely bad and having a terrible beat, that doesn’t make it any less of music than a Justin Beiber song for example. Music is defined by what the person/people making it want it to be.

I believe K-Pop does create beauty. It shows enthusiasm, and if you didn’t know, it has helped people recover from dark times.

The use of enthusiastic music and joyful dancing provides the watcher a sense of joy as well. Sometimes when I am stressed and I need some kind of joy, I listen to some K-Pop.

And if I used your logic, I believe some rap can be fake music. Some rap songs don’t create any beauty to me, example :arrow_down:

Song may be offensive to some people.

I don’t see any beauty in this so therefore it isn’t music.

I don’t think that is correct thinking, even though I don’t like the message, or the song at all, I still consider it music. What Big Sean wanted to say in his song may be different that what I interpreted from it, and no matter how much I think it isn’t music, to him it is.

TL:DR: Music isn’t defined by beauty, or what the person listening to it thinks, it is what the artist thinks of the song.


my favorite song is oh ah lul

we dancing to likey in pe tho


You see. It is my definition because I don’t believe that harmony or expression of emotion is enough to create what I call music. Although the majority of my definition is copied, my opinion of music differs from theirs.

Of course, I also entirely agree music depends on what the artists think of the song. However, I feel that a decent amount of the music that is made these days: kpop, pop, rap, and other forms are no longer actually about what the artists truly feel. Rather it has to do with money


This, I sadly have to agree with. This is where I totally agree with you! Some K-Pop bands do it for the money (not many) which is where I draw the line and say, this isn’t music. As good as the song is, as much as I can relate to it, as strong as the message is, if it is made just for money, than I can’t enjoy the song, and personally I wouldn’t call it music.



I think the problem is that you judge music off the first few pieces of it that you listen to and I could have just had a bad first experience



Here are some songs that you can listen to that I think you might enjoy.

More of a festive and joyful one. Girl band.

More of a sadder kind of beat, but also a happy one at the same time! Girl band.

Sad song about love, when you feel down. Boy.

Another sad song, but this one is in english. Boy.

Rap song about a girl. Boy and Girl. (Personally one of my favorites) (There is an english and a Korean version of it)



The thing unique about K-pop is that there are so many kinds of music that fit under it, there’s really a song for everyone


I mainly listen to Kpop these days. and this is my opinion on it:

Who cares if they’re doing it for the money as long as the music sounds good. People need money to live and people need money to raise a family. Unless you’re family is legitimately rich you will need to do something for money. These idols strengths and interests just happened to place their career in entertainment.

Also, the reality is that anyone who is lucky enough to debut has worked an insane amount of hours just to get to that point. I will admit that all of them have probably worked harder than I ever have, knowing that they often spend 12 or more hours a day in training. And even after they debut, only top groups will make a significant amount of money.

Whether they’re chasing fame and fortune or genuinely love music, they are competing against thousands if not millions of people for just a chance to be an idol. Thats why I respect kpop idols, and that is why I listen to Kpop.


one thing i think about kpop girls is that they are god damn talented

they can

  • usually speak several languages
  • dance with high heels
  • keep up with popurazi
  • keep themselves looking good
  • sing
  • act

i have a few kpop songs i like, dont really listen to it


Found the best kpop song remix :sunglasses:


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