LFG - Experienced player since 2012


IGN & RE: JackaloPPE

  • Orange Star & experienced player
  • Pretty Chill Dude
  • Looking for friendly guild to run dungeons with

I’ve been playing RotMG for almost 6 years (this account is 4+ years old), and I suicided all of my 8/8s, Event whites, and shatts whites on 09-03-2017. I’m starting fresh and currently have a 7/8 archer PPE with dbow/cbow, and some other classes in progress.

I have TONS of shatters and tom experience over the years and will be getting a job within the next week or so, which means I’ll be popping some keys here and there too. Realmeye is mostly open so check JackaloPPE for details on my account.

If you would like me to join you guild see if I am online and pm JackaloPPE, or add me on discord @ ZenithNA#2146.

Good Luck and happy farming!

EDIT: I live on United States’ West Coast, so I’m mainly looking for US guilds, but interested in all offers.


Playing for 6 years

Do you have another account lmao


He said that account is 4 years old ya dink


I used to play on browser back in 2012/13, I switched to steam for stability reasons.


daily bump


Ah, ok, makes more sense


Hello JackaloPPE!

I have recently created a guild called The SInful! We are a guild that is all about friends and having a good time! We are a USW based guild so you wouldn’t have to worry about switching servers. If you are interested, you can find more info here: (NEW GUILD) [USW] The Sinful is Recruiting!


Um, I’m not the one who wants to join the guild lmao




whoops, yea I completely misread that lol, my b


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