LH Discord - Our first run


Lost Crusades Discord union.

We are a small new LH server trying to compete with the big boys.
And we are currently about to run our first raid, when we get a couple of more verified raiders. Our first run will be a full Cultist

You will have to be verified on the server to get allowince into the raid.
Verification requirements are as desribed.

- Star count of 20 stars or greater
- At least 500 alive fame
- Atleast one 4/8 or 5/8. Are required
Also make sure that all information on your star count, your fame totals, and your characters is visible on your RealmEye page. You will not be verified unless you have these unprivated.

Server invite link: https://discord.gg/Y6j5hMT


500 total alive fame or on one character? and does it have to be the same character which is 4/8 or 5/8?


Jeez another random startup lh server… Lost boys is illegitimate enough already lol


Moved to :arrow_right: #community-hub:player-events. Good luck with your Discord!


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