LH prism rework


But shouldn’t it be rlly op?


Which one?


A less OP version of that could be the following : every prism keeps working the same way as in testing, but the LH prism, instead, sends the decoy in the direction of your cursor. It would be easier to use, but would be slower and have a shorter duration.

Overall there would be the choice between hard to use, faster and longer decoys versus easy to use, slower and shorter decoys.


The golem brain one. It spawns a stationary decoy where you are standing, without teleporting.


Oh, I forgot that one came from the Lost Halls


You all are insanely baffling. The golem prism is excellent and testing it out on Testing made me want to actually do Lost Halls (I refuse to do them on Prod, they’re bad. Not the bosses, the dungeon itself) just to grab it. It’s extremely useful in specific areas, just like a proper UT should be. But not super limited like QoT or other crappy UTs.


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