Looking for a guild to play with


Hi, I’m looking to join a guild to play with and have fun. I’m not the most experienced player, but I’m not some new player that just joined the game recently. I started playing realm about 4 years ago but I never really tried to actually get good at the game and max my character until about a year or two ago when I maxed my first stat. I did quit again but I just got back into the game about a month ago and this time I’m ready to try and actually try to go somewhere in. Now I do have experience with this game and I know how to do most dungeons like abysses, udls, sprite worlds, lods, etc (these arent the only dungeons that I know how to do, theres a lot more). The only dungeons that I dont have much experience with are Shatters and Tombs. Also Ocean trenches that arent public because ive only done public oc’s that last like 10 seconds. Although I dont have much experience with these dungeons, I still have some so I’m not clueless about these dungeons and I have a basic idea on what to do. For example, Ive never really rushed a tomb and gotten loot from one because Ive only done ffa tombs so far. But I know about sarcophagus’s and the order of Bes Nut Geb. The only thing is that I don’t know how to dodge all those bullets and when they’re about to attack although Ive watched a couple tomb videos and guides. I know im not very experienced with tombs and shatters, but I’m willing to learn and hopefully some guild out there is willing to teach me. Currently I have a 5/8 warrior (trying to get 6/8), a 4/8 assassin just need like 4 more dex, a 1/8 knight and 0/8 wizard that I’m still trying to max. In case you want to know my age, I’m 14. I’m not some immature kid and not a squeaker but since I’m 14 my voice hasnt dropped completely yet lol.

Sorry for making this post really long, and I hope some guild is willing to recruit me and maybe teach me how to do tombs and shatters.

  • Plazinq p.s If the guild ever hosts dungeons or anything, I’ll donate/contribute.


Would you like to join the guild B A G S T O N? We are looking for players and would definitely love to have you join. Pm flipndip or Bundomundo if you would like to join.



Would love to have you in our new guild 'ATOMICITY : the inorganic inconsistency of rotmg ’ We have lots of fun here and we are establishing yet but our ‘keys hosting’ section is quite strong we do around 2- 20 keys each day We need quite active people to build up strong We will grow up fast as we are on pace right now So join us for more fun in the game
PM me or any officer to join .


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