Looking for a guildd :D


Looking for a guild ill go on any sever really lol

i have 4 char slots

3 6/8’s almost 4

2 678 base fame

i have tomb expiernce and shatts

every other week ill prob open some sort of dungeon

this is my realmeye https://www.realmeye.com/player/Autonight



Hey mate! I’m the founder of an Asia East-Asia South East guild, “Fractured” We have a great group of players already and are looking to expand, you meet requirements and we would love to have you here. We have a discord that you can communicate freely with other guildies :slight_smile: We regulary host davies, clands, tombs, shats and many more dungeons. Hope to see you in Fractured!


Leader of Fractured


Your a Youtuber right sure ill join :smiley:


Come to Pollen


oooo its AutoNight from Desotroya’s video


Sure, message me or another leader when you see us online :slight_smile:


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