Looking for a Realm partner


I’m kinda bored and am just looking if anyone wanna realm together…
it gets real boring playing solo all the time :confused: Pm me

  • Mayonnais


I’d recommend finding a more active guild, Terrestrial is recruiting if you want some people to play with, we are taking in new members, or just find another more active guild


What do you guys offer and what are the requirements?


We offer what you are looking for, you don’t meet the requirements but as a leader I personally feel I’d rather have loyal members then anything else. I don’t plan on getting on right now so if you are interested you could see message a officer or leader and ask them.


I am very happy to join :slight_smile: I’ll wait for you to get on and just message me


You may end up waiting a long time because time zones and me not being available to play realm as much as I used to. But it you want to wait for me to be on you can do that


I still have to go somewhere and won’t be back in like 1 - 2 hours so yeah I believe we can work it out just send me a discord link so we can continue chatting


If this is all solved, ask to close please ^^


hmu buddy


The best realm partner is
Your siblings…


hey lets do ppe’s together






What’s up?






:unamused: …?




no u.


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