Looking For Realm Girlfriend


How many of these have we had?


Takes photo of himself taking a selfie


3 before and one called “not looking for realm girlfriend” + this one


me too thanks


Why do these threads exist?


But. Most of realm player I know
Are still single


Because they want they gf able to play rotmg too


Well than that works out for him



LOL it’s ducky the one and only


Ducky, are you looking for an asian girlfriend? If so, I can hook you up.



I had at least 2 more that got deleted lmaoo


Lol another one of these threads. Good luck on finding the ‘realm girlfriend’ of your dreams!


Maybe it’s just me, but those threads were funnier when we still had girls around here.


Huh. Good point rip

Good riddance


pshh idk if girls even use the forums anymore


I’m sure there are some girls who still use the forums. Just be patient. That’s all that is needed… and someone to bump the thread like yourself.


why not find a ‘girlfriend’?


Bloody genius


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