Lost Halls 2.0


Darzas literally has revives for gold


But in their defense they give out free gold every day


The shadows are suppose to take the shape of the cultists, not become a black square…


If there’s an update tomorrow that will make the sorc st drop, then there is a good chance that lh 2.0 will be out tomorrow


Where’d you hear this from?
Can’t imagine that it was “properly” tested in the rather short period it was on Testing…


Ingame announcment

Its already in the misery box


Oh, hot damn!
I’ve really looked forward to this - more so than I’d like to admit…though I have no shame, so I’d probably wouldn’t be scared to admit it.


you can’t argue that “the low RoF of means you miss a lot of damage, so missing one shot makes this not worth it” - the nature of a higher rate of fire is that you miss more shots, whereas if you miss with a lower RoF item, those fewer shots will roughly equal the damage of all the shots you would’ve missed. And if that one shot somehow equals more damage than all the shots you would have missed using that other bow, that means that bow does more damage at that range, doesn’t it? the only place dbow really doesn’t excel, is like… abyss, where you can one-shot everything with a leaf bow. The shorter range from dagger classes and the ninja means that, even with their higher speeds, mobility and +20 max health, bow classes having longer range, piercing and slow/paralyze (in the context of how status immunities have progressed) has been far superior/more survivable for a while now.

Well, aside from people seeming to a) vastly underestimate piercing, and b) not realizing that it’s more effective the more range you give a weapon, priests don’t really get fucked over for having a good ability. Like, priests gets range, piercing, and a decent damage per shot for both of those things AND for still having tomes (which can heal an entire group, armor yourself, give yourself speedy or remove status debuffs from yourself and everyone in your heal radius). I don’t think I can make a case that wands are underpowered, because both classes have solid stats/abilities to go alongside their high range, piercing, low damage wands. Daggers only have 20 more damage than wands, with no piercing and little to no range to speak of (leather classes without the speedy ninja gets). For what it’s worth, I’d have to say rogues are probably fine, because their invisibility allows them to get close to anything, and they don’t really get punished for using the UT daggers (which sacrifice a fair bit of range for a wee bit more damage), especially the stinger. While tricksters can re-direct a lot of bullets if timed correctly, you also have to get it to move the right direction without getting it to simply stop at the wrong place. Is that an incredibly useful tool? definitely. Is it something the daggers seemingly deserved to get nuked over? no.

**note: I know daggers have never been nerfed, at least to my knowledge. On the other hand, I’m pretty sure every other tiered weapon has been buffed since the beginning of the game, the sole exception being staves, which never got one because the two classes lacking in power got major buffs to make up for their deficits when compared to the wizard. Heck, even the tiered katanas got a noticeable buff before the daggers changed.


The post is about lost halls 2.0, therefore the conversation is irrelevant to the post, it might be good idea to make it somewhere else. Ill sent you an inbox message with my reply

Edit: I cant sent you a dm on realmeye for some reason xS . I think you have turned it off :stuck_out_tongue:


LH2.0 is now live!


@Krathan ummm… sorry for the ping, and I know I put this in testing, since it seemed like the most visible place that a DECA member would see this. Since you guys obviously care about the Lost Sentry and the Lost Halls that it drops on occasion, could you please change the color of the Lost Sentry on the mini-map? it’s especially sad when I genuinely find myself glazing over it on the mini-map since the really dark blue blends in with the black, unexplored tiles as opposed to the yellows, reds, maroon and even grays, yet this monumental event (as it currently stands) has one of the least distinctive colors on the mini-map.

Also, I feel like it’s too easy to solo LS in 5-10 minutes (even on a sin or trickster with just a foul), since something like Nest still takes like, 20 minutes with a few people and 5 minutes on a group of 5-10 people, since there are so many minions with fast moving bullets (the only way to really “dodge” is to back the fuck away from them) and the nest colonies have a lot of bullets themselves.

Edit: LS, not LH. You know who you are.


it doesn’t blend in at all, I never miss it
Also according to the results of testing, the RotMG community has proved that it isn’t too easy by repeatedly dying


yeah, people die at LS because they do the damn thing now. Know what people still don’t do? public nests. Well, that’s changed a little, but not nearly as much as doing a LH can be. Soloing an LH is a common occurrence. Nests, not so much.


Wait, did nest become the new hardest dungeon (without counting trooms and bonus bosses, just main dungeon)?


If you judged the Lost Halls and The Nest according to their realm encounters, it would seem so. Their realm counterparts are pretty misleading.




mb, I meant LS. LH probably takes at least an hour to solo, if I was to do it. I generally meant that LS (the event) needs to have a slightly higher base HP, and that the Nest Colony (event) needs to be nerfed a bit, or at least less… spamming. :expressionless:


Actually the nest just hasn’t been subjected to HP scaling yet, and has HP built for large groups


I know it hasn’t been, but even before the LS hp scaling, after the community got used to both, I saw more hooplah over the LS than I did the entirety of the nest event. Especially for how much people care for the cloak of bloody surprises, but getting a quiver from the nest seemed kinda boring, and I felt ripped off every time a nest portal wasn’t dropped.


Gluestick never gets 0 because he’s a well known crasher just ignore him