Lost Halls Hideout Collapsed


For all of those who don’t know, I am just noting that Lost Halls Hideout has been collapsed and replaced by another discord(SBC: Spooky Boi Central) with slightly higher reqs.
It is is now required to have 3 8/8s and 5k base fame

Link: https://discord.gg/7kj58Vj



sbc to be precise


Thank you. I have noted that in my comment


SBC is not a new discord - actually, it’s one of the oldest private LH discords existing. LHH was created after SBC.

For whatever reasons, LHH died after the xmas events and many LHH members joined SBC after they recently re-opened applications. LHZ is a new discord which is most similar to former LHH, i.e. runs are generally not as smooth or quick as SBC, but it caters to NA times more vs. SBC which is mainly EU time.


Lower reqs, fast to get into. For people who can’t get into SBC


So I guess it is now a Lost Discord!



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