Lost Halls Official Trailer


I’d say.




What about Skysplitter? Many old tops are still relevant, I use old tops on all my throwaways, cause the value is really good.


Good points for sure, anything from T8 onwards is good enough too though.
The good old days when GBow had value and T4 rings were considered decent equip (if you didn’t have an ammy).


Man…I remember when T8 equips, T4 abilities, and ParaHP rings sold for a def apiece.

[I feel old. Oh, wait, that’s because I am. OB]


it looks like a plastic toy sword.
as a low or mid-tier weapon, it’d be fine. but as the most powerful tiered sword in the (current) game?

that’s just embarrassing.



I feel ya bro.


How does everyone feel about the map? From what I’ve seen it does not seem to disappear over time. Although every room (almost) looks exactly the same and the boss room is hidden and should be called out. Much like a puppet I suppose.


ok so with 2100+ shares on FB does that mean we each receive 105 or more stat pots? or will deca change it and only give like 8-16 to each of us?


Does this answer your question for now?


well I guess we will see


It’s been changed


Not bad.png :joy:


r u making fun of my namin skilz m8? lets go m9 i’ll rekt u 1v1 behind the store this tuesday at 7 pm


This tuesday? So almost an entire week from now?


More than a week from now if I can help it.




whoa so cool


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