Lost Halls, Why It's Bad for the Game, and Possible Solutions


Hackers are a bad thing but its a bit offtopic. That’s ultimately up to DECA to end hackers, discords have too much of a population to go witch-hunting, or bother with such process when in their minds, makes runs go a lot quicker/smoother.

Should they kick them? Yes. Will they? Probably not. But this would be with any kind of raiding server, say if the Crystal Caverns became a raid. And this isn’t hacker dick-sucking, but we could forever discuss what to do and it only misses the main point.


Most of the population of people who use alternate clients use it for anti lag features. I used to play on browser and there is litterally no way to play on browser and do halls runs on the official client. My friend does not hack and technically physically cannot but he plays on kong and litterally dc’s once entering the first room of halls. hopefull kong will get updated with unity client when open beta comes because he cant even do a cult run without dcing and i feel really bad for him bc he has been playing for one and a half years


oh security questions, yeah those things that people often forget since this game is ohhh i don’t know, several years old?

are you being purposely naive or are you in some sort of position of power in the LH discord? trying to figure out why you’re choosing this hill to die on… this is an awful take.

as Mynamerr said, a majority of the community roams this discord server so YES - it is their problem. i refuse to be a part of a community that lets hackers and scammers roam with impunity - and any reasonable person should do the same thing. if you don’t, you’re part of the problem.


I’m sure your intentions are good in this line of thought, but, in practice, how would the discord do that?

Who, in actual reality, would work for free reviewing if several reports are fake or not, instead of enjoying the runs themselves?

How would this, in practice, benefit runs in any way?

Is the discord community morally obligated to take care of something they don’t even own simply because they have a big number of members?

Its not such a big deal as you seem to make it, and even if they did this it wouldn’t impact the game or the runs in any significant way.

Imo we should just send deca the reports. even though I really know how they can’t really handle this atm, mainly because it’s also so easy to fake video evidence.


So you are telling me that if i want to make a group that does dungeons i would have to make sure no one hacks. what is this reasoning why would they even do this. their discord is so big each of their runs are so huge how would you even identify hackers. like the only way you could identiify a hacker really is maybe autonexus and you cant really prove that.

also how would an account even get stolen. wouldnt u have to willingly give them the password for them to log in (which is against tos anyways)or to login with some shady hacked client.


This is my opinion:


the discord would simply need proof. the person whom i know is an account thief i did not go to mods and just say “btw this guy is an account thief/scammer” i gave them all the receipts and evidence proving that this person is an account thief and that they should be banned; all they had to do was simply read what i sent to conclude “yeah this person is infact a scammer, we should probably boot them out of the raid community just because that’s a scummy thing to do”.

it may not benefit runs much, but it will benefit the community at large and will give the discord some sort of integrity; rather than it simply being a lawless land


Then he comes and says your evidence is faked?

How would the discord even deal with and solve this conflict? Who should they trust? It’s useless effort. Most of the time

They currently deal with run griefing and leeching and that positively influences runs.


“what is this reasoning and why would they even do this”

because cheating is bad and against the games rules and TOS lol? are you seriously asking this?
most guilds with any sort of integrity do not allow cheaters. back in the day i was in the salty spitoon/simply business, which was at the time one of the top shatters guilds and the number 3 best guild in world for fame gain. cheaters were not allowed because this guild had integrity.

a guild/community that is ‘hacker neutral’ is most likely that way because the people who run the place are also cheaters. oh sorry am i lumping people together? well let me just consult my encyclopedia of scummy players- oh wait, i don’t care.

there’s a bitter sweet irony in the fact that LH discord blacklists guilds/players who are crashers, but the place is ridden with hackers and dupers and scammers; and these people are most likely in positions of power there too. you think that’s okay?


if you knew the context of my evidence you’d know it wasn’t faked, i proved they were a scammer via forum posts, gyazo screenshots of skype, and links via wayback machine and realmeye proving the account he was using was one that he stole.


Who even cares? If the owner of the account himself didn’t report it to DECA and claimed his account back, why would the discord do anything about it

They literally aren’t paid to take care of that


you’ll only do the right thing if money is involved? shows what kind of person you are lol


also he didn’t report to deca because ACCOUNT TRADING IS RWT, WHICH IS AGAINST THE RULES. he wouldn’t get his account back, he’d get banned. breaking a games rule doesn’t mean you deserve to get your account stolen from you.


no need to get all cocky over your morals, kid

this only goes to prove how little this has anything to do with discord whatsoever.

the dude was rwting which is wrong in the first place and got screwed over.

why do you expect anyone other than DECA to care? Much, much less a private lost halls runs discord (if it at least was a chat community discord like the /r/rotmg discord I’d get your point), but a dungeon run discord?

Again, how would this benefit their discord in any way? that’s why they won’t do it and no, they’re not obligated to if they don’t want.

They’re simply players. not game masters or rotmg admins.

I’m not saying they shouldn’t or couldn’t do it. But it’s not right to witch hunt and accuse everyone you don’t like, it’s simply their right to not care about this, because it’s logically not their problem.


I mean it wouldn’t really benefit pub halls (or maybe it would if that guy gets more people rid of their accounts), and I can’t do anything about it, if they decide to not ban anyone, because losing a handful members would be such a disaster. But it really shows what a shitty attitude the community has when all you care about is your own runs.

We’re talking about a person who apparantly stole someones account, for goodness sake. Do you think he is not going to do that more often?


damn wonder why they have this viewpoint.


Do you think I’m defending an account stealer?

I’m defending a player’s right to simply be a player and not a game guardian.

It’s not their job or their duty.

I have made dozens of video reports myself, and I did it voluntarily. But I wouldn’t touch that shit with a stick nowadays (as a player or as any discord moderator), because it’s stuff that’s beyond my reach. Dealing with hackers is a really frustrating thing to do and the most efficient way to do it is through implementing security features in the game itself.


kid? lol

i expect the LH discord to care because LH discord is an accurate representation of the community as a whole? you know thousands of people are in the discord right?

it would benefit the discord because you aren’t letting scummy be with the community… how dense are you?
if you lived in a lawless town and got robbed and called for help, you’d probably be pissed off if everyone just told you “we aren’t obligated to help bro it didn’t happen to us”.

again, a majority of the rotmg community that is active is in this discord. you wouldn’t be taking this stance if you were the one who got their account stolen. you’ve revealed yourself to be really selfish and you seem to lack empathy.

by “witch hunt and accuse everyone you don’t like” you mean reporting a thief to the authorities right? how is this a witch hunt? please tell me you’re trolling lol


is this a list of banned players in the discord or?


This was a list of hackers that got leaked by a keylogger I believe.