Low Tier Pots [Full inventory solution]


Welcome to the Forums @InMyEstor!
Have a :cookie:


Nope not at all :wink:

(also im not sure if we’re allowed to reference that place)


ThatsMyJam’s idea sounds like it. I played on […] for a year.
I quit for a year and haven’t come back since (because prod is better).
When you maxed a stat in […] and you drank a potion of that same stat that you maxed, that stat would increase by 1 during the duration of the dungeon you were in(or until you go into another portal/nexus).
I don’t know if that still happens though, stuff can change in a year.


The “;)” is my sarcasm :stuck_out_tongue:



I mean, I like the idea, but it has a much better alternative:

######deca plz u need 2, marks too


More like ‘kiddos’


Oh, I didn’t know n-word did that. Guess great minds think alike :stuck_out_tongue:


Lol post this on reddit pls


This is literally a feature of some unnameable private server that stars with an n and has no pets…


oh yeah, forgot about that for a moment :smiley:


@Kageboshi and @XHippobroX better remove the names of the […]s before the mods unleash their wrath on you :stuck_out_tongue:


@Shatter @Nevov missed a censor on this guy’s comment as well.


Well if iw as admin/dev I’d make the shatts a lot harder. That means doubling enemy health, adding some armor break, and most of increasing activation range to where you would HAVE to clear the middle. Oh yea, and add a new set of mages I made a while back.


Good idea, I would use spare pots as tincs.

It wouldn’t even be too OP because in a lot of cases you’re at the end of a dungeon when the extra pot is in the bag, so it’s still wasted even if you drink it as a tinc as you’ll be going straight through a portal and the boost doesn’t carry forward.

Most benefits would be: in realms, if inv is full up but you don’t want to nexus because a hot quest pops, or you’re waiting for realm close. And then in T-rooms (snakepit then gives you faster arrival at boss, abyss makes you abit more resilient as you continue to boss).

And no worry about thirstybreak because you’re by necessity drinking off the ground as your inv is full.


never said […] on my post so nothing to change xD

Edit: Nevov changed it lol


Copied from [a pserver]. Not an original idea


I took the pserver name out, we prefer don’t advertise them, even inadvertently, to not give them any more potential users etc.


I didn’t mean to copy it. I had no idea that that was a feature. I don’t play pservers.


My bad😅 I think that specific one is dead now


Me niether but I’ve seen a few of the white bag videos from that pserver and they consume pots and it says "potion of (something) not consumed, stat temporarily boosted. Or something like that lol. I wouldn’t mind seeing this in regular rotmg tho