Low visibility of stone guardians sword throw


Ever since the change to using a sword sprite it’s been really hard for me to see the sword being thrown at the stone guardians. Previously it was high visibility yellow particles, but now it’s dark grey on grey.

I’d like it if a particle trail or something was added to the sword to make it more obvious. It’s instant death if you get hit by it and the fight was originally designed with high contrast shots.


You can stay at the top of the fighting area so you don’t get hit. Plus the animations aren’t too hard to miss.


Strongly agree, it’s, although a nice concept, a lot harder to notice compared to before.
A bullseye on the ground might be an improvement, to match other cases of “don’t stand here” targeting in the game. The one that Xolotl uses, and Oryx Horde had it too, I recall, so that’s a kind of natural fit to copy it back from there to the original guards.


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