Make the *you know wheres* automatically turn into "[...]"


Or people could just type […] if they want to.


Guessing p-server name auto-censorship request.
If so, I think people would only end up u5ing 0th3r inv3nt1v3 w4y5 to say the name, also would need effort to always update a filter whenever a new one hit, and I just don’t see it as a big enough problem to need a solution other than the current flag+manually [redacted] out of the post by someone with sufficient edit powers.


Blue guy agrees with red guy.


Also a lot of pservers include words related to rotmg
Imagine the word “realm” being blocked due to it being in the name of many (maybe most) pservers


can someone explain this post for me ;-; I’m guessing it’s something about private servers?


he wants the forums to automatically censor pserver names like […] or […]


Oh! Dont forget about […]


Shhh :angry: we aren’t allowed to say those names here!


FYI: we don’t auto-filter this stuff. People would just get creative with letter/word replacement like was mentioned earlier. However, we do get a “review this post” type notification when people post certain things. IMHO it’s better this way.


Right now human moderation is the most efficient way to deal with it… however such an idea makes me want to program a forum deep learning bot… however implementation, let alone testing the damn thing would be difficult without:

Hours upon hours of learning.
- Requires an initial detection system with a backlog of matches.
- Requires an active environment to test from.

An API “key” from the website developers.
- This would be the ideal, ethical, and easiest route to program with.
- Alternatives require rigorous web scraping and DOM parsing, which would severely lower efficiency.

EDIT: Upon further inspection of the forum’s code, I’ve come to the realization that realmeye forums is using Discourse and that it’s all open source! This means I can ideally set up a learning environment for a bot to test it and have it learn… I’m still unsure on what basis to create phrases to circumvent the current bot’s initial algorithm to have it learn what to search for… It’s definitely possible nonetheless! This’ll be a fun side project… no ETA.


Don’t do it. We all know this ends with Judgement Day and Michael Biehn’s career getting flushed down the toilet.


Har har, deep learning is one of my passion in programming, alongside security.


And when AI destroys us all, you’ll have the last laugh…


Don’t let those science fiction movies fool you, even if there was a morally evil artificial intelligence, it’s still subject to physical properties of electronics.

Here, this video might make you laugh.


I’m not getting my fears from scifi movies- when Elon Musk, Stephen Hawking and other collectively agree* that petitioning to ban Smart AI is a good idea- that’s what scares the shit out of me

*may not be those exact ppl btw


this is bc talking about pservers is banned right?


Talking is fine. Naming or linking or promoting is bad.


What about dead ones? Like confirmed ones, that have been shut down entirely wothout a trace. Like the one everyone know im talking about anyway?


I don’t keep up on what is still out there. If I see a name i’ll remove it.

Basically the intent is to avoid getting people curious about them to the point they seek them out. Alive or dead doesn’t matter to me in this context.


actually nvm i dont wanna do anything spicy near a moderator