MD Help! (MuleDonk)


Hey all,
I use MacOS Sierra and Macbook Air and I just got computer.

Was wondering how to make muledump look any different

than this.

I tried doing accounts.js but… it’s kind of hard to figure out still!

MD used to work fine, but I think it may be outdated.

I downloaded muledump-master here.

Help please!!
<3 Vividium Vox what the Vuck (by popular vote)


Hey man, off topic I got a question for you.
What do you use to play rotmg on Mac ? I got a MacBook and playing realm with that was a no no for me, I ended up using BootCamp assistant to install windows 10 which has improved my performance by a lot , but I’m curious what my fellow mac players use to play this game. Greetings.


It might be easier to summon @Jakisaurus and ask him since his version is way more up to date and just as, if not more, credible.


atomizer’s is hopelessly out of date. try this one:


To summarize, Atomizer’s Muledump is no longer maintained or supported. It has been more than a full year since its last release and it is broken. It does not work any longer.

Check out Jakcodex/Muledump, which I maintain.

No more accounts.js files necessary, among other things. Come to our Discord if you get stuck and need any help -


new computer?

run flashplayer in winebottler

@valkenrath as most people have said already, use jacodex’ version of muledump. i initially had this issue with atomizer’s as well.


This video made it so easy even I could figure it out.


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