Misadventures of Hellway and Nyx


Because it is realted to my question


It’d be fun to see us all show up in a ‘bonus’ story type thing

basic plot I thought of;

wierd new building shows up in the nexus one day, RealmEye, they provide information services and all of the regulars and large members of the realmeye forums are the guild running it.

something goes wrong and we have to go on a short adventure.

Maybe one of the forumers could die (pay respects to Glawi’s paden?) and Fluffe pops up.


Rip Solo’s spare time lol. That would take ages to draw

Would be fun to see though, I’ll admit ^u^


Lol can I be william?


doesn’t really need to be too complex if he doesnt want it to be

I might write up a story about it later, won’t be too long though.


I like it, maybe I’ll do it after this main adventure :smile:




image His name used to be ted, but since the box is now william.





Huge fan




Hello comrade




I just drew my first thing in awhile. It looks pretty bad.
First time I ever drew something like this…


It’s cute! I can’t read what it says though


DivineOryx> OGMUR
InfamousX> What! You lucky furry!
InfamousX> Fake! Im gonna stalk you if you got ogmur
/g Not if I stalk you first

The speech bubble is Can I join your comics. Like can I be a character in one of your stories.

And the thing to the right is realmafia it says >vote abstain, >vote literature and >vote Niegil


Real subtle. :wink:


Lol I got bored in class so I wanted to try to draw best thing I can do is speech bubbles


BUMP Gotta make sure this thread stays alive.


The thread’ll last a lot longer than that without needing a bump friend
