More uses for Guild Fame?


You need to be careful with what kind of rewards are available and how exactly they are purchased, otherwise some asshole could just spend all the guild fame on items for himself then run away with them.


Each guild member also has their individual guild fame, as seen on the guild chronicle. What about using that?


That’d just be an extension of the already existing account fame.

I was thinking more along the lines of: only Officers and above can spend Guild Fame, and only to buy features that benefit the whole guild. For example there could be a special character skin that’s only available to you as long as you are in a guild that has unlocked it.

Of course that would require a complete rework of the fame system, otherwise we’d only be rewarding the biggest fame farming guilds. But it’s interesting to think about nonetheless.


make guild fame transferrrable to other people in guild
if someone leaves guild, their guild fame stays and is distributed evenly between all members+


People would join a guild, take and use guild Fame, and leave.
That would basically allow Fame thievery.


I have some cosmetic ideas here, if you’re interested:


guild fame is separate from individual fame though. Like when you leave a guild and rejoin a new one, you have 0 fame in your guild. Only you can move your guild fame to someone else to use. You can give them different amounts, something like this.

Guild fame does not stay with you when you switch guilds, it stays with the guild.
Ex. your guild is
yay (425 guild fame)
hippyx (1262)
wagoneer (758)
blob (246)
panda (660)
if panda leaves the guild, his guild fame is left and the 4 other people all get 1/4 of panda’s previous guild fame, which he loses anyway since he leaves.
yay (590), hippyx (1427), wagoneer (923), blob (311).


interesting idea

A Realmeye Christmas [CLOSED]

It would be great to just buy keys/dungeons that appear in the guild hall. That would make people join force in the guild and make those kinda private parties. It would bound guild members more, putting a real bonus to be all connected at the same time. That could also allow less experienced members to learn actual strategy then to just go with a full mayhem style (which is quite the case in most dungeons right now). To keep people playing in the regular realms, such keys/dungeons would need to be quite expensive.


lit lit



I like this idea, but what happens if someone gets kicked from the guild? If you make it so the fame is distributed evenly. Kicking someone who has a lot of fame would just make the entire guild richer, while making the person who had worked hard for the fame poorer i guess. If you want to make it so fame could buy guild rewards, i think you have to make it so that perks and things that benefit the whole guild are the best way to go. But there is a very unrepresented point in “How can guilds abuse this?” Which we have to figure out.

I have seen this a couple times. but i think having a public guild chest or private for extra storage is a good idea, However this does open itself up to alot of abuse that guilds could use, or people could make their own guilds to give themselves better storage space. It’s a idea. but im sure there are alot of other options for what guilds could spend fame on that could benefit the whole guild, and personally i do like @TheBGT 's idea. As it would be guild only and doesn’t really hurt anyone.


Guild fame can be used to buy 3/5 items per week (backpack, keys, dyes, etc) this way u will not be having infinite amount of keys every single day as that will make deca go bankrupt :slight_smile:


I had seen this post, and I thought of a potential item(s) that could be bought with fame.
A Guild Armor Set, of a Weapon, Skill, Armor, and Ring for each character.


Maybe you could buy keys only to be used in the guild hall


The guild armor set can also be followed up with PVP. the armor set is basically PVP gear it separates the game into two. Good idea?


Not feasible with the game’s architecture and incompatible with the way the game was balanced so far.

You’d need both a complete rewrite of the game (and honestly, if you’re going that route, might as well use it for something that would improve the game, like destroying duping forever for example) and a complete rebalance.


To simply respond to the What if we kick someone and just get his fame thing, the guild fame would only be splitted if the person leave by herself. No guild fame gets distributed with banning.

As for the guild gear, I also think of it as been midly usefull since we cant make it powerfull to not destroy the current market and to make those the best option out there, but we also cant make it mid tier since nobody really cares for mid tier.

As for the pvp, it would be really hard to implent it since even with all gear similar, the characters would be highly unbalanced with 8/8 just enjoying their reing. And then, if everyone would have balanced stat, it just wouldnt be interesting. The gameplay would be reduced to who aims best.


I think guild fame could be used to open guild only dungeons or buy consumables or even giving out a small stat boost to all members such as +1 def.


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