Most White Bags Gotten In A Day


Probably around that amount from july 2018 wlab event day one (I got the highest amount of Life dropped and fresh farmed in one day- 50 lifes. Not a wow thing, but still my record) and january 2019 parasite event with the 6 scepters and 1 spell (not couting the sts that day) I got one of the days.


Come on then what?


So am guessing the most whites in a day usually come from running events? Wlab event for the first few days were pretty bad for me then at the end of the second day all of a sudden I got the skin and both whites in 2 wlabs consecutively.


Yes. At least for me. I also can say I’m lucky on non end game dungeons whites, in general.


Well, just got csword lol off to a good day.


Wait, are you playing on browser???


I get dumb amounts of ping on Flash Projector.


are we counting during an event? I feel thats cheating, I don’t really track how many whites I get in a day, but I would have to guess 4 or 5 outside of an event, and as many as like 10 during an event on something easier to grind like a Wlab or cdepths.


Seems fairly impressive to me, unless you mean child numbers in the sense that he has tons of free time and no responsibility so he was able to grind for a long period of time today.

  1. I remember the day vividly. I was doing sprite worlds and got 6 eps and 5 planewalkers in 20 sprite worlds on a ppe. Then i got ogmur. Then I got 2 dblades and a doom bow. After maxing my ppe, I hopped into the cdepths event and got 9 doku no kens in like an hour.


And its all downhill from here now :c


Ye now i can barely score 7-8 white bags a day through a healthy grind


Well i didn’t really grind I was just running around doing random dungeons and events but i did have a ton of freetime like I dunno 7 hours of realm?


only 7 whites


I’m not even gonna be on for the first 3 days of this event so rip my whites


oHH, wEll i haven’t done 1 thicket or cdepths this event lawl.


the most i’ve gotten in one day is seven, spirit dagger, prism of dancing swords, tome of purification, orb of aether, murky toxin, leaf bow and another crystal sword


Long time ago I got around 15-20 in a single day, my guild ran a ton of OTs during one of the really old chest events and I got a ton of ctraps.


Once I got ten but this was year ago on my main account which now I pretty much left because of losing 5 8/8 in a short amount of time

Yes this can be considered an but not really since I only play this


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