My entries for ROTMG art contest 2018


A reference to William Wallace in the movie Braveheart
(coloring the kilt was very challenging)

A lich with the powers to turn pure evil into flames and manipulate the flames.
Glowing eyes when attacking for cool effect

[ROTMG] item sprite
My imagination for a T7 helmet

I already submitted them, but criticism would be appreciated :slight_smile:

Let me know what you think!


The lich skin is super awesome


Yeah… Would definitely wear both of the skins, honestly! Well done.


I saw that post, you can’t ninja me!

Yee, I know… Didn’t quite scroll down enough to get to the main reply button.


:frowning: oops


Amazing sprites man! Especially the lich, really nice.


It’s horrible and you have brought dishonor to your country

No I like both of them actually. Especially the first since I would use that skin then kill English people.

Both seem game worthy


I like the william wallace one and the lich is pretty epic. However, I dislike the helm’s design. The shading doesn’t fir together


The skins look amazing! I love them!

The helmet, while cool, has a very odd design, might wanna work on that.


He already submitted :frowning:


The skin looks like it’s already in-game, it’s really good!

now look at mine and suffer

A Swimsuit Ninja! Because let’s be real, can’t have too many swimsuit skins.

A Sand Mage. You can tell I put less effort into this one…

And my favourite old sprite I made - the Seal of the Snow Shaman, one that boosted Defense alongside the usual Damaging and Healing.


That seal is different from t0 but that color scheme :smiley: It reminds me of t0 but that design is pretty cool. Swimsuit ninja is nice but kind of boring because we already have so many swimsuit classes. Sand mages just has a misshaped head


Rotmg - Swimsuit TrixRotmg - Swimsuit Huntimage



Eh… Three is enough for me :smiley:


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