Name changes!


I recently attempted to change my name to something which was unavailable, by using support. i received an email stating that they will not free up old names.

Is this new since Deca came in?

Is there any way for me to get my desired name?

Why won’t they do it anymore?

Thanks in advance.

Mod note: Moved to Game Discussion > Tech Support ~ BMJ


Pretty much what’s been said in this Reddit post.

Yes, it’s new, it’s Deca’s decision, there doesn’t seem to be a way of getting desired names that are unavailable. As for why - no idea. They just said they won’t and that’s it.


Okay thank you – looks like the gold i added was a waste of my money :frowning:


Yeah, this sucked. I really wanted to change my name :frowning:


It also seems rather illogical - there was no issue with it previously.


My advice, hang on to the gold I believe deca is just trying to cut down support tickets for now and will change policy.


I guess you weren’t around when people started buying 1-letter names and got publicly bashed on the forums for it.

After Deca bought the game, people who had quit months or even years ago started coming back, hoping for something different from Kabam.

So imagine what would happen if Deca started selling old names and these people all came back to unnamed accounts. That’d be a pretty stupid way to lose potential customers.


Broooooo! Canned soup is the best name! :open_mouth::open_mouth:


XD I have other accounts just begging to get a name change. I won’t change CannedSoup most likely, it’s the name connected to my YT channel haha.


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