Name your characters in the menu


I originally posted this idea in the section “other”, but I figured this was a more valid place for my suggestion.

As you may know, people like to have different characters for various of things, such as fame farming. I like to max one character at a time, so in my case I both have a fame farming character, a main character, a 2nd main character and pot dumpsters, as I like to call them. therefore I suggest that everyone can name their characters in the menu for what they are used for, for structure purpose.

I hope you like my idea and consider making it real!:slight_smile:

Apperance, founder of WhiteyRunners.

Mod edit: moved to Other (this isn’t a class idea in and of itself), removed duplicate thread. -Doc

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i think has been brought up lots of times, i think most people are on-board with this.


the only time I see this being useful is if you have like 20+ character slots and you don’t want to waste your time looking through your classes to find the right one.


The max character slots is 14 btw


Actually I have 33 characters. The max visible on RealmEye is 14.
I love this idea btw.


Wait…seriously? You can buy more than 14 character slots? I’ve never seen someone with more than 14



yeah, i got like 26chars

@shatter you like infected skin

What i do for this now, i usually give my main and my backup different skins, not neccarily when one has dyes.


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