Natural Topic closing


I think that it might be because they deleted their post


:+1: I believe Moderators can make it so some Topics just never close.

This is the basic closing time.

Really? Didn’t know. Which Categories have longer closing times?


cant remember what ones are what, some dont close, some take 2 months, some 6.


Ah okay. Wonder if @Doc knows :thinking:


ofc he would know, he moderates this place!


I know the umm forbidden catergory is 6 months


Whine Cellar? Don’t think that is a word that we need to hide / can’t say.


The other catergory we shouldn’t talk about

secret lvl 3 one


Nothing wrong with that either? - I don’t believe.


The Scotch Cabinet?


No, not that one.
This is where we stop talking about this


Bamboozling BDSM basement?

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  1. Make a post to bump thread before the 2-months limit
  2. Delete post
    =stealth necrobump

If you’re a Regular or Leader, you can do this even if the thread is already closed, as moving a thread to another subforum automatically opens it.

In that case, you could do something like this:

  1. Move thread to any other category
  2. Move it back
  3. Make a post to bump it
  4. Delete the post
    =perfect stealth necrobump


Pls no necro bump, that is not the purpose of this topic


You’re asking why some threads stay open longer than they should, I’m just answering with one possibility.





The category in which a topic is created determines the expiration date. We can manually set it to whatever we want, but I think everything ought to be set to 2 months right now. If they’re not then I’ve made a whoopsie.


Related but more confused thread:


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