NeedAWig rant about DECA server


^my reaction to his “NOO”

That’s a pretty bad TP, happens rarely but I think at least half of the realm community will experience it at one point. I have, and whoever reads this might just experience it too. :wink:


It’s happened to me. It’s happened to most people. He’s played the game for much longer than at least 40% of realm players; he needs to get used to it.


i find it disgusting that people find this shit hilarious and then when it happens to them they get all mad and say deca revive please!!! this was a completely unfair death


That leads to 1



I knew this was coming xd


Wanna watch some more people die in pretty funny ways?


yes please


Here’s one from KD :wink:




So you’re saying it wasn’t lag. Yet, you’re also saying that the servers were confused. These are quite obviously conflicting statements. This was lag, hence the movement of the snake at the beach.


DEFINETLY good enough for a possible revive. He didn’t even have invulnerable. Not fair at all.


If you teleport but you don’t teleport you close the game.




If 2 seconds is inhuman to you im afraid to see you.

Oh shiet button saves lives


12 second


When in doubt, multiply your problems by 1 and raise them to the 0th power.

In other words…

The first step to inner peace is 4 words. “Not my damn problem”.


2 second is definitely out of human reaction time range. Human reaction time is usually 13-15 seconds, and the fastest is pretty much only around 10 seconds.

You don’t have 2 second reaction time, you have 2 second prediction time. If you played fighting games seriously before, you would know this.

Stop saying BS.


Uh wtf where did you hear that from


All my chars would be dead if it took me 15 seconds to nexus